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Show 420 DR. A. G. BUTLER ON BUTTERFLIES [Mar. 21, is exceptional), the terms ' wet phase' or ' dry phase' merely indicate that a particular form is prevalent in the wet- and another in the dry-season. Even Mr. Marshall, who discovered the seasonal relationship of the utterly dissimilar phases of this species, would hardly venture (in contradiction of his own dated examples) to assert that either phase w*as exclusively limited to its proper season. 4. JUNONIA CLOANTHA Cramer. o* $ , Machako's, 2nd and 24th June ; ? , 3rd July, 1898. The female obtained on the 24th June has a lightly-marked border above, and a pale distinctly-marked and ocellated under surface ; it should therefore be a wet phase ; the other pair (taken earlier and later) are unquestiouably dry : this is another instance of untimely appearance in a seasonal phase. 5. JUNONIA ELGIVA Hewits. J, Kikuyu, 11th September, 1898. 6. JUNONIA CEBEENE Trimen. d 6, Machako's, 28th May, 20th and 25th June, 1898. 7. JUNONIA BOOPIS Trimen. $, Kikuyu, 11th September, 1898. 8. HYPANAETIA HIPPOMENES Hiibner. o*, Machako's, 3rd July, 1898. 9. PYRAMEIS CARDUI Linn. Machako's, 3rd July, 1898. 10. ATELLA PHALANTHA Drury. Machako's, 26th June, 1898. " Fairly plentiful in the hills adjoining Machako's, but I do not remember having seen one specimen in the open flats." (R. C.) 11. BYBLIA ILITHYIA Drury. 2 , Machako's, 2nd July, 1898. ACB.EIN.E. 12. ACB^EA ALICIA E. M. Sharpe. cS d, Machako's, 24th May and 3rd July, 1898. 13. ACR.EA LYCTA var. DAIRA Godm. J. On the road from Machako's to Naugia, 4800 feet, 18lh September, 1898. 14. ACR.EA ACBITA var. PUDORINA Staud. c3, Machako's, 3rd July, 1898. " First of its species I have seen." (22, G.) |