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Show 474 MR. P. w. BASSETT-SMITII O N [Apr. 18, maxillipeds very slender. Only two pairs of thoracic limbs, both biramose and biarticulate. (1) CLAVELLA HIPPOGLOSSI. 2 • Clavella hippoglossi Kr. Tidsskrift, i. 1837, p. 196, pl. ii. fig. 3. „ „ Guerin, Icon, du Eegne Anim. 1829-43, pl. x. fig. 7. M.-E. Hist. Nat. Crust, iii. 1840, p. 494. „ „ V. Ben. Ann. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. vol. xvi. 1851, p. 100, pl. iii. figs. 5, 6. In Coll. Brit. Mus. Host: Hippoglossus vulgaris. (2) CLAVELLA MULLI. 2 • Clavella mulli V. Ben. Ann. Sc. Nat, 3 ser. vol. xvi. 1851, p. pl. iii. fig. 4. „ „ B.-S. Journ. M . B. Assn. Plymouth, 1896, p. 159. Host: gills of Mullus sp. (3) CLAVELLA TENUIS. 2 • Clavella tenuis Heller, Beise d. Novara, 1865, p. 215, pl. xxiii. fig. 1. Host: gills of Monocentris sp. Philippines. G. 9. CYBICOLA B.-S. (Helleria B.-S.) Head rounded. Thorax with three distinct segments bearing lateral lobes but no dorsal plates. Genital segment very long. Abdomen small, with two lanciform appendages. Anterior antennae 6-jointed. Posterior antennae 3-jointed, strongly hooked at the end. Second maxilliped very large, basal joint robust. Three pairs of thoracic limbs, all rudimentary, the first biramose, the second uniramose, the third stump-like. " Male" smaller. Posterior antennae strongly prehensile^; no thoracic lateral lobes. (1) CYBICOLA ARMATA. cf 2 • Helleria armata B.-S. Ann. & Mag. N. H. ser. 7, vol. i. 1898, p. 10, pl. v. figs. 1, 2. Cybicola „ B.-S. op. cit. ii. 1898, p. 371. In Coll. Brit. Mus. Host: Cybium spp. Indian seas. G. 10. PSEUDOCLAVELLA B.-S. Head small, rounded. A single free thoracic segment without lobes or dorsal plates. Genital segment oval, 4 times as long as cephalothorax. Abdomen very short. Caudal plates minute, setiferous. Anterior antennae indistinctly 3-jointed. Posterior antennae short, uncinate. Second maxillipeds slender. Four pairs of rudimentary limbs present, the first two biramose, third and fourth from the genital segment stump-like. |