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Show 358 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Mar. 7, femora very strongly incrassate, their tibias straight, distinctly sulcate, widened posteriorly, with a strong spur placed at the middle of the apex, their metatarsus as long as the folloAving three joints together, claws appendiculate ; prosternum narrowly elongate, mesosternum i arrowly transverse ; the anterior coxal cavities closed. Amongst the genera with closed anterior coxal cavities there is only one which has the eyes surrounded by a similar although broader sulcus-the genus Orthcea Jac from Burmah. But in addition to this character the thorax in the latter genus is also provided with perpendicular grooves at the base, which are absent in the genus characterized here, and in which the metatarsus of the posterior legs is also proportionately longer and the antennas have more elongate joints. HALTICELLA FLAVOPUSTULATA, sp. n. Bounded, convex, fulvous ; antennas aud the anterior legs flavous ; horax closely and finely punctured ; elytra closely punctured, with bsolete rows of deeper punctures, obscure piceous, a transverse ••pot near the middle and another near the apex flavous. Length 2\ millim. Head finely punctured, with a narrow sulcus above the eyes, fulvous with a slight metallic gloss ; the clypeus separated from the face by a narroAv transverse groove, frontal tubercles absent; palpi slender, flavous ; antennas not extending to the middle of the elytra, flavous, the second and third joints of equal length, the following slightly longer and thicker ; thorax nearly twice as broad as long, the sides nearly straight and obliquely narrowed towards the apex, the posterior margin rounded, the anterior angles slightly thickened, the surface closely and distinctly punctured, fulvous, the disc rather darker; elytra ovate, convex, and pointed at the apex, punctured in the same way as the thorax, but AAith obsolete rows of stronger punctures, more strongly marked at the sides, Avhere the last tAAro interstices are slightly longitudinally costate, the disc of an obscure piceous colour, a rather large slightly oblique spot placed close to the middle and another smaller one near the apex, obscure flavous ; posterior femora strongly incrassate, pale piceous, the anterior legs flavous. Hab. Natal, Frere. I received two specimens from Mr. Perin-guey. G A L E R U C I N J E. I D A C A N T H A WEISET, sp. n. (Plate X X I . fig. 4.) . Flavous, the antennas (the basal joints excepted), the breast, and the legs black; thorax sparingly punctured at the sides ; elytra black, nearly impunctate. Mas. The third joint of the antennas broadly dilated and excavated ; the scutellum with the sides raised into strong ridges, the apex reflexed; the elytra with tAvo fulvous tubercles at the basal margin. |