OCR Text |
Show XX1 Page Caica melanocephala, Quadrate bone of 31 Pyocephalus fuscicapi'lus, Skull of 31 Coracopsis vasa, Skull of 32 Dasyptilus pecqueti, Imperfect skull of 33 Eclectics cardinalis, Skull of 34 Tanygnathus megalorhynchus, Skull of 34 Tanygnathus megalorhynchus, Quadrate bone of 35 Polytelis barrabandi, Skull of 35 Aprusmictus cyanopygius, Skull of , 35 Pyrrhulopsis personata, Skull of 36 Pyrrhulopsis, Auditory region of 36 Ayapornis roseicapiUus, Skull of 37 Platycercus eleyans, Part of skull of 37 Nymphicus uvceensis, Skull of 38 Nymphicus uvceensis, Auditory region of 38 Melopsittacus undulatus, Skull of 39 Pleurocorallium tricolor 58 Gorilla, Brain of, belonging to R. College of Surgeons. Dorsal view. 66 „ „ ,, „ Lateral view. 67 „ „ „ University of Oxford. Dorsal view. . 69 „ „ ,, R. College of Surgeons. Vertical view. 70 71 72 „ „ dorsal view 73 Notornis, A semidiagrammatic plan of the intestinal coils of 90 Notornis : A. The tongue and neighboui ing parts of the tloor of the mouth of; B. Enlarged view of the postglottidean longitudinal rows of papillae of 91 Notornis, The skeleton of the larynx of 92 Notornis, The syrinx of, dorsal view 94 Notornis, The syrinx of, ventral view 95 Notornis, The syrinx of, from the left side 96 Tilapia betsileana 139 Cavern near Consuelo Cove, Last Hope Inlet, Patagonia 147 Reef on Troughton Island, N.W. Australia 158 Ophisaurus harti, Lower jaw of 161 Tachi/dramus septentrionalis, Chin of, showing unusual number of shields 162 Megaphysa herbiferalis, <$ 173 Furcivena strigiferalis, S 173 Sameodes cancellalis, 3 174 Meroctena tullalis, 6* 177 Thliptoceras cascale, S 178 Archemis capitalis, S 180 Terastia meticulosalis, 3 182 Megastes grandalis, o* lg3 |