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Show 954 DR. W. G. RIDEWOOD ON THE [Nov. 28, the characters of the efferent branchial system fail to afford convincing evidence as to the correctness or the reverse of such association. Thus, while the Gadoids have one sharply marked type of arterial arrangement, the Clupeoids another, and the Salmonoids a third, in the disposition of tbe efferent vessels the Lophobranchii resemble the first, the Ophidiidse the second, and the Scombridae the last,-a most unnatural coupling of the families. It does not appear, therefore, that the facts revealed by the present inquiry can be applied with any probability of success to the interpretation of the affinities of the family and larger groups of Teleostei. LIST OF REFERENCES. 1. AGASSIZ, L., et VOGT, C.-" Anat. des Salmones," Mem. de la Soc. des Sci. Nat. de Neuchatel, iii. 1845 (1846), pp. 196, fourteen plates. 2. ALESSANDRINI, A.-" De piscium apparatu respir., turn speci-atim Orthagorisco," Nov. Comment. Acad. Sci. Bononiensis, iii. 1839, pp. 259-381, four plates. 3. ALLIS, E. P.-" Tbe Cranial Muscles and Cranial and First Spinal Nerves in Amia calva," Journal of Morphology, xii. Boston, 1897, pp. 487-808, nineteen plates. 4. AYERS, H.-" The Morphology of the Carotids, based on a Study of tbe Blood-vessels of Chlamydoselachus anguineus," Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., xvii., Cambridge, Mass., 1889, pp. 191-223, one plate. 5. CUVIER et VALENCIENNES.-Histoire Naturelle des Poissons. Paris, 1828. 6. DUVERNEY.-Oeuvres Anatomiques, ii. Paris, 1761. 7. HYRTL, J.-" Beob. aus dem Gebiethe der vergl. Gefasslehre," Med. Jahrb. der Oesterr. Staates, xxiv. (n. F. xv.), Wien, 1838, pp. 69-91 and pp. 232-248, four plates. 8. HYRTL, J.-" fiber das Arterien-System des Lepidosteus," Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, viii., 1852, pp. 234 241. 9. HYRTL, J.-" Beitrag zur Anat. von Heterotis ehrenberg ii," Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, viii., 1854, pp. 73-88, three plates. 10. HYRTL, J.-" Zur Anat. von Saccobranchus singio," Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xi., 1854, pp. 302-307, one plate. 11. HYRTL, J.-" Anat. Mitth. fiber Mormyrus und Gymnarchus" Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xii., 1856, pp. 1-22, six plates. 12. HYRTL, J.-Uber besondere Eigenthiindichkeiten der Kiemen und des Skeletes von Lutodeira chanos," Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xxi., 1863, pp. 1-10, one plate. 13. M A U R E R , F.-" Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pseudobranchien der Knochenfische," Morph. Jahrb., ix., Leipzig, 1884, pp. 229-252, two plates. 14. MECKEL, J. F.-System der vergl. Anat., v. Halle, 1831. |