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Show 1899.] AND SPIDERS F R O M TROPICAL WEST AFRICA. 861 ^ETHRODES, gen. nov. Allied to Aranceihra, but differing in the following particulars a. Four median eyes elevated on a rounded tubercle : lateral eyes also on a tubercle; clypeus equal in height to half the length of the ocular quadrangle, which is longer than broad; abdomen only overlapping the posterior third of the carapace up to the median tubercle, its anterior and lateral margins armed with smooth rounded tubercles ; its upper surface furnished with about a dozen symmetrically arranged various-sized tubercles Mthrodes. b. Ocular tubercles low, ocular quadrangle slightly wider than long; clypeus very low, less than half the ocular quadrangle ; abdomen overlapping the posterior two thirds of the carapace, armed marginally with strong spines, without tubercles above Arancethra. MTHRODES MAMMOSA. (Plate LV. fig. 2.) Colour of abdomen a nearly uniform ochre-yellow; cephalothorax darker. Abdomen twice as broad as its median length ; its anterior border sinuous, mesially emarginate, armed with seven tubercles, not including the large tubercle on the antero-lateral angle; a large tubercle on the postero-lateral angle and two smaller lateral tubercles in front of it; the posterior border widely convex, with a series of vertical tubercles just above it and one pointed posteriorly close to the large postero-lateral tubercle; the sigilla deeply impressed and mostly subcircular; tubercles arranged as shown in Plate L V . fig. 2. Vulva consisting of a semicircular depression in front and a narrow transverse plate above the genital aperture. Measurements in millimetres.-Length of abdomen 12, width 22*5 ; length and width of carapace 7 ; length of 1st leg 18. Loc. Benito Biver (67. L. Bates). TETRAGNATHA Latr. T E T R A G N A T H A CLAVIGERA Simon. Tetragnatha clavigera, Simon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1887, p. 272. Loc. Benito Biver (67. L. Bates). One female specimen referred to this species, recorded by Simon from Assinie. Family OXYOPIDCE. Genus PEUCETIA Thorell. PEUCETIA LONGIPES, sp. n. (Plate LVII. fig. 17.) Colour (in alcohol). Carapace pale green, thoracic portion sometimes tinted with brownish, a few black spots marking the position of setae on the head; side of head with an indistinct or distinct vertical fuscous stripe running to the basal spot on the mandible and continued as a short stripe on the upper part of that appen- P R O C . ZOOL. Soc-1899, No. LVI. 56 |