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Show 1899.] GENERA STREPTAXIS AND ENNEA. 765 STREPTAXIS LJEVIS, sp. nov. (Plate L. figs. 11, 12.) Testa umbilicata, depresso-ovata, laevigata, striatula, vitreo-albicla'•; spira depresso-convexa ; anfr. 5|, convexiusculi, penultimus ad peripheriam rotundatus, ultra ultimum subtus projectus, ultimus excentricus, subtus convexiusculus, post aperturam haud com-pressus; apertura diagonalis, fere semiovalis, lamella parietali intrante duobusque dentibus minutis, uno basali, alio sinistrali vix columellari,interdumcarente, coarctata ; peristoma expansum, margine dextro superue ad unguium sinuoso. Diam. maj. 8^, min. 6; alt. 4^ mm. Hab. Tenasserim (Beddome). Very near S. burmanicus in form, but distinguishable from that and all other known Burmese species by the absence of costulation. Three specimens were collected by Col. Beddome. A near ally is S. sinuosus Pfr. from Cochinchina, but that is a much broader shell, with a smaller umbilicus. STREPTAXIS BEIXDOMII Nevill MS. (Plate L. figs. 4-7.) Testa subumbilicata, depresso-ovata, laevigata, striatula, nitida, albido-cornea ; spira parum exserta, sutura impressa ; anfr. 5, convexiusculi, penultimus rotundatus, vix ultra ultimum (a basi spectatus) projectus, ultimus excentricus, basi convexus, post aperturam subtus compressus, utrinque juxta peristoma constric-tus, in umbilico rugoso-striatus ; apertura fere semielliptica, lamella una parietali, et dentibus 4 palatalibus, duo columel-laribus, uno basali, uno dextrali coarctata ; peristoma album, expansum, margine dextro ad unguium siuuato, et aliquando in tuberculo parvo parietali desinenle. Diam. maj. 6, min. 4i ; alt. 3 mm. (Figs. 4, 5.) Hab. in montibus Animalai dictis India) meridionalis (Beddome). Var. major, peristomate quinquedentato, dentibus duobus in margine dextro, uno basali, duobus columcllaribus. Diam. maj. 7, min. 5 ; alt. 3| mm. (Pigs. 6, 7.) Hab. haud procul a Kuttalam (Courtallam) in comitatu Tinne-velly, ad alt. 4000 ped. (Beddome). This species is near S. watsoni, ~W. & H. Blanf., but is distinguished by having only one parietal lamella ; the teeth, too, are differently disposed in the mouth, but Southern Indian Strep-taxes vary so frequently in their dentition that very little dependence can be placed on it. S. beddomii may, however, be recognized by having the proximal tooth on the columella!* margin nearly halfway down, and both of the columellar teeth and the basal tooth are simple, equal in size, and nearly equidistant; whilst in S. watsoni there is often a small columellar tooth near the body-whorl, and a much larger elongate tooth, which is often more or less bifid, on the distal portion of the columellar margin. The larger variety of S. beddomii from Tinnevelly is chiefly distinguished by having an additional tooth on the right margin above the tooth which is opposite the parietal lamella., |