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Show 650 MR. STANLEY S. FLOWER ON THE [May 1 6, Size. Total length 183 mm. (snt. to vnt. 70; tail 113); arm 25 mm.; leg 38 mm.; width of head 12 mm. Hab. Malay Peninsula, Celebes, Philippines, Moluccas, Papuasia, Cape York, Caroline and Santa Cruz Islands. 83. LYGOSOMA SINGAPORENSE (Steindachn.). Lygosoma singaporense, Blgr. Cat. Liz. iii. p. 297. Hab. Malay Peninsula (Singapore). 84. LYGOSOMA MELANOSTICTUM Blgr. Lygosoma melanostictum, Blgr. Ann. Mus. Genova (2) v. 1887, p. 479, pl. vii. fig. 2. Localities. Of this skink, which does not seem to have been previously recorded from Siam, I have seen five specimens, four said to have been caught in Bangkok and one from Chantaboon. Description. The latter specimen only differs from the description of this species in the British Museum Catalogue in the following points :-1st, frontal shorter than frontoparietals and interparietal together ; 2nd, about 38 smooth scales round the middle of the body ; 3rd, praeanals distinctly enlarged ; 4th, the adpressed limbs overlap. Colour (in spirit). Above pale bronze-brown, with indistinct darker brown spots forming two irregular dorsal lines ; an indistinct darker brown lateral line from behind the eye to the base of the tail, narrowly and indistinctly bordered above with yellow; lower surfaces and lips pale yellowish green. Hab. Burma, Siam. 85. LYGOSOMA BOWRINGII (Giinther). Lygosoma bowringii, Blgr. Cat. Liz. iii. p. 308, pl. xxiii. fig. 3. Siamese. " Mee-ang-ngu " (a term which more properly applies to L. chalcides). Localities. It seems curious that Bo wring's Skink does not appear to have been hitherto recorded from Siam, where I found it at Bangkok, Ayuthia, Kosichang, and Cbantaboon. Peters recorded a specimen from Singapore, but I know of no other instance of its being found there or in other parts of the Straits Settlements. Habits. Though very numerous in Siam this lizard is seldom seen by the ordinary observer, as, instead of delighting in brilliant sunshine like Mabuia siamensis, it spends the day hiding under stones, logs, & c , and only goes abroad after its prey at twilight. Description. (Drawn up from fifteen Siamese specimens.) Body elongate, limbs short. The distance between the end of the snout and the fore-limb is to the distance between axilla aud »roin as 1 *| n Q ^ is to from lr4 to 2-. Snout short, obtuse. Lower eyelid scaly. Supranasals in contact behind the rostral ; frontonasal much broader than long, forming a broad suture with the frontal; pras-frontals small; frontal as long as frontoparietals and interparietal together, in contact with the first and second supraoculars ; four |