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Show 1899.] PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA OF AFRICA. 355 NlSOTRA APICALIS, sp. U. Obscure fulvous, the apical joints of the antennas fuscous ; thorax transverse, finely and closely puuctured ; elytra strongly punctate-striate, fuscous, the apex more or less pale fulvous. Length 3 millim. Ovate and convex, pointed posteriorly; the head impunctate, fulvous, the frontal eleA*ations indistinct, the labrum aud palpi fulvous ; the antennas only reaching the base of the elytra, fulvous, the terminal joints more or less piceous, the third joint more slender and slightly longer than the fourth joint, the apical joints slightly thickened ; thorax at least twice as broad as long, the sides evenly and moderately rounded, the anterior margin straight, the posterior one strongly produced at the middle and rounded, impressed at each side with a short, slightly oblique perpendicular groove, the surface very finely and closely punctured ; elytra gradually widened towards the middle, rather strongly punctured, the punctures someAvhat irregularly arranged in roAvs, distinct to the apex, the latter flavous, the rest of the surface fuscous, the two colours generally well divided; below and the legs fulvous ; prosternum narrow; the breast and abdomen nearly impunctate. Hab. Bhobomp, Sierra Leone. Smaller than N. spadicea Dahlm., of different coloration and Avith single not geminate elytral punctation. NlSOTRA CONGOENSIS, Sp. n. Fulvous ; the thorax finely and closely punctured, the base Avith two perpendicular grooves; elytra deeply punctate-striate, the interstices finely punctured, flavous, the disc with a broad longi-tudiual black band, not extending to the apex. Var. The elytral band divided into a basal and subapical spot. Length 4 millim. Head convex, extremely minutely punctured, the eyes bounded within by a deep sulcus ; clypeus narrow, strongly raised ; antennas fulvous, extending to the base of the elytra only, the second and the following joints very nearly equal, all rather thickened, terminal joint more elongate ; tborax twice as broad as long, the sides evenly rounded, the angles acute, the surface very closely and finely punctured, flavous or fulvous, the basal margin Avith a rather deep and long perpendicular groove at each side ; scutellum flavous ; elytra ovate, very strongly and deeply punctate-striate, the interstices minutely punctured and longitudinally costate, each elytron with a broad longitudinal black band abbreviated near the apex and constricted at the middle; underside and the legs fulvous • tibias mucronate ; prosternum narroAved between the coxas. Hab. Chiloango, Congo. Belgian Mus. collection and my own. Closely allied to N. unifasciata Jac. and of similar coloration, but the antennas entirely fulvous, and the elytra very deeply and regularly punctured, with the interstices costate and the lateral |