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Show 352 MR. M. JACOBY ON T H E [Mar. 7, the middle of the elytra, flavous, the terminal joints more or less fuscous, basal joint elongate and slender, the second and the following joints of equal length : thorax twice as broad as long, slightly narrowed in front, the sides nearly straight, Avith a narrow reflexed margin, the anterior angles thickened, basal margin unaccompauied by an impressed line, the surface finely and closely punctured ; elytra ovate, pointed posteriorly, their base not wider than the thorax, strongly and closely punctate-striate, the interstices longitudinally costate at the sides and at the apex : underside and legs piceous, the tibias and tarsi more or less flavous ; prosternum narrow, longitudinally sulcate. Hab. Frere, Natal (67. Marshall). CH^ETOCNEMA CARINATA, sp. n. Greenish black below, the basal joints of the antennas and the tibias and tarsi fulvous ; above metallic green, the head with three transverse ridges, thorax finely punctured ; elytra strongly punctate-striate, the interstices finely wrinkled. Length 2-2\ millim. Head rather elongate, perpendicularly deflexed, dark greenish, strongly and remotely punctured and minutely granulate at the lower portion ; the clypeus deeply triangularly emarginate, tbe vertex with three acute transverse ridges, its base strongly rugose ; the antennas scarcely extending to the middle of the elytra, fulvous, the apical joints more or less fuscous, the third and fourth joints equal, but little longer than the second joint; thorax A*ery short, nearly three times broader than long, the sides scarcely rounded, obliquely narrowed towards the apex, the surface finely and rather closely punctured and minutely granulate, metallic light green, the anterior and posterior margins accompanied by a finely impressed groove or line; scutellum much broader than long, cupreous; elytra not AA'ider at the base than the thorax, strongly punctate-striate, the punctures very closely approached, the interstices slightly convex and very finely transversely wrinkled, the space between the first row of punctures and the suture irregularly punctate; beloAv nearly black, with a slight metallic greenish gloss, posterior femora very strongly incrassate, blackish, the tibias and tarsi dark fulvous. Hab. ]\loliro, Eiv. Lulangoi, Congo (F. Duvivier) (coll. Belgian Mus. and m y own). This species is doubtless very closely allied to C. cristata Har. from the Zambesi BiATer ; but the latter insect is described as greenish asneous, and as having a single transverse ridge at the vertex of the head, while here there are three and the space behind these ridges is strongly rugose. The size of v. Harold's species is also smaller, other details of structure are not given. NlSOTRA OVATIPENNIS, Sp. 11. Broadly ovate, obscure fulvous ; thorax extremely closely aud |