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Show 1899.] PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA OF AFRICA. 343 joint piceous above ; thorax twice as broad as long, the sides nearly straight, obliquely narrowed, with a narrow reflexed and thickened margin, posterior margin oblique near the angles, rounded at the middle, the surface very strongly and irregularly rugose and deeply punctured, flavous, the sides with a transverse piceous spot; scutellum smooth, piceous; elytra convex, extremely closely and deeply punctured throughout, flavous, the suture narrowly dark green, a broad longitudinal band of the same colour extends from the middle of the base nearly to the apex and is rather more distantly placed from the suture than from the lateral margin ; breast and legs more or less piceous, the abdomen and the posterior femora fulvous, the latter very strongly incrassate, their upper and basal portion piceous. Hah. Niger-Benue Expedition. I received a single specimen of this very distinct species from Herr Bang-Haas. GZDIONYCHIS SULCICOLLIS, sp. n. Testaceous, the labrum and the intermediate joints of the antennas black; head and thorax impunctate, the latter with a distinct transverse sulcus; elytra obscure fuscous, strongly and closely punctured. Length 6 millim. Head impunctate, the vertex swollen, frontal elevations broad, strongly raised as Avell as the clypeus, labrum black, palpi swollen ; antennas slender, the lower and the apical two joints testaceous, the third and the following joints equal, nearly twice the length of the second joint; thorax more than twice as broad as long, the sides strongly rounded, with a very broad flattened margin, the angles in shape of a small tooth, the surface with a deep transverse sulcus near the base, impunctate or with a feAV very fine punctures ; elytra slightly widened towards the middle, with a rather broad reflexed margin, darker in colour than the thorax, strongly and closely punctured throughout, the interstices more or less wrinkled, especially so at the sides ; below and the legs testaceous ; posterior tibias with a strong spur, the metatarsus short, claw-joint strongly inflated. Hab. Cameroons (Conrad). This species is well distinguished by the deep thoracic sulcus and the strong elytral punctation. I have received a single specimen from Dr. Kraatz, another is contained in that gentleman's collection. OZDIONYCHIS AFRICANA Jac Of this species, a most variable one iu regard to coloration, I have received specimens from Mashonaland and Natal, obtained by Mr. Guy Marshall. They vary much iu size and have the elytral humeral spot sometimes connected Avith the black suture beloAv the base, so as to include a flavous round spot of the groundcolour ; the antennas and legs are either entirely black or more or 23* |