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Show 24 PROF. DARCY W. THOMPSON ON THE [Jail. 17, The skull of Licmetis (fig. 15) has certain peculiarities. The postfrontal process is exceedingly broad, both in its descending and its posterior ramus, and the supratemporal fossa is accordingly restricted in size. The tympanic cavity is wdder open than in the others, the posterior wall encroaching little ; in this respect it resembles the skull of C. roseicapilla. The inner head of the quadrate is exceptionally large. The paroccipital processes are Fig. 15. Licmetis nasica. rather short but very large, and looked at from behind form a transverse ridge ; the area below them and between the meatus and the basitemporal ridges is very well defined, constricted in the middle into a peculiar shape by the lower notch of the meatus and the interruption between basioccipital and paroccipital ridges, and nearly horizontal. The angle of the mandible is more elongate and pointed than in the other Cockatoos. In Calyptorhynchus banksi and Callocephalon galeatum (fig. 16) the orbital ring is formed in the manner characteristic of the Cockatoos, and the region of the squamosal process sends off no Fk. 16. Callocephalon galeatum. projecting lobe such as I have described in G. roseicapilla. In C. galeatum the supratemporal fenestra is wide, and the surface for the origin of the temporal muscle exceptionally large, extending far back on to the posterior surface of the skull. The |