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Show 768 MR. W. N. PARKER ON THE INDIAN TAPIR. [Dec. 19, EXPLANATION OF PLATE LVII, Fig. 1. Chrysso nivipictus, p. 764. la. Eyes. 2. cordiformis, p. 763. 3. Meta splendida, p. 765. 3 a. Eyes. 36. Male palpus. 4. Phoroncidia aurata, p. 766. 4 «. Eyes. 4 b. Var. argentata, in profile. 5. Gasteracantha cowani, p. 766. 5 «. Eyes. 6. Uloborus velutinus, p. 767. 6 a. Eyes. 6 b. Profile. 7. Thwaitesia pulcherrima, p. 764. 7 a. Eyes. 7 £. Profile. 11. On some Points in tbe Anatomy of the Indian Tapir (Tapirus indicus). By W . N E W T O N PARKER, Lecturer on Biology at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. [Received December 9, 1882.] (Plates LVIII., LIX.) While acting as Prosector to the Society during Mr. Forbes's absence in W . Africa, I have had the opportunity of dissecting a young male Indian Tapir, a few points in the anatomy of which I now lay before the Society. The animal, which only arrived at the Gardens in July last, was probably about eighteen months old when it was unfortunately found necessary to kill it, on October 9th, on account of its suffering from an incurable prolapsus ani. It measured about four feet from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail, and had not grown perceptibly since its arrival in this country. On opening the bodv the lungs were found to be much diseased, and presented considerable adherence to the thoracic cavity ; the liver was also very soft. There were decided traces of rickets, the sternal ribs having several nodular enlargements. The general anatomy of the Indian Tapir has been described by Home l, Cantor 2, Poelman 3, and Murie \ Some points, however, have not received much attention; and in others there seems to be a considerable amount of variation. I therefore trust that the following account of certain of the organs will not be without interest. The Alimentary Canal.-The hard palate presented the usual double row of transverse ridges, of which there were seventeen on the left side and eighteen on the right. The naso-palatine canals open on each side of a small elevation about J- inch from the posterior border of the middle incisors. The soft palate embraces the base of the epiglottis, much as in the Horse. The tongue has a pointed apex, and increases slightly in breadth from before backwards. It measured 8 inches in length and 2| inches in breadth at the base. Its upper surface is covered by delicate filiform papillae. Fungiform papillae are also numerous, and i Phil. Trans. 1821, p. 272. 2 Journ. jisiat. Soc. vol. xv. 1846, p. 263. :t M6m. de TAcad. Roy. de Belgique, torn, xxvii. 1853. 4 Journ. Anat. and Physiol, vol. vi. 1871, p. 131. |