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Show 112 MR. T. E. BUCKLEY ON THE [Jan. 17, 2. On the Variability of Plumage exhibited by the Red Grouse (Lagopus scoticus). By T. E. BUCKLEY, B.A., F.Z.S. [Received December 27, 1881.] At the commencement of this paper I wish to remark that I do not propose to speak of what are commonly termed varieties, such as albinos, melanisms, & c , but of such variations in plumage as I think may be met with by any one in a season's grouse-shooting, only specifying that they should be obtained late enough in the season for the birds to have attained the highest perfection of plumage, which would be by November. Although many authors have remarked on the variations of the plumage of the Red Grouse, it seems to have been generally supposed by them that these variations had reference to the locality or district inhabited by the birds. Thus Yarrell writes (Br. B. ed.3,ii.p. 3 6 8 ) : - " The Red Grouse of N . Wales are said to be large in size and light in colour ; those of the Western Highlands are also light in colour, and are said to be earlier breeders than those of the eastern parts of Scotland, which are, however, of large size and dark in colour." Mr. Gray writes (B. West of Scotland, p. 234), in reference to examples from the Hebrides, that " they may be said to be smaller and lighter in colour than those from moors on the mainland, especially the mountain-ranges of the north-east of Scotland, which invariably yield, in good seasons, the largest and most beautifully marked Grouse. In many districts the native Grouse partake of the coloration of the ground in their markings : thus the finest and darkest birds are those frequenting rich heathy tracts ; while on broken ground of a rocky character, such as m ay be seen in the south of Wigtonshire, the Grouse are either more or less mottled, or are altogether lighter in colour, and less in weight." The same gentleman adds in a note, on the information of M r. Elwes, "that in the district of Gareloch, west of Ross-shire, Grouse vary very much in the breast-markings." Mr. Colquhoun, on the same subject writes (' The Moor and the Loch,' 3 ed. p.l 12):-"ThePerthshire Grouse are much smaller and darker in colour than those of Argyllshire. The West Highlander is a beautiful rich red and very large. ... In the low corn-districts, such as Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, and the Border counties, the Grouse are a light brown, borrowing a tint from the stubbles on which they delight to feed. . . . All these birds are so light in the colour as more nearly to resemble Partridges." Mr. Dresser (B. of Europe, vii. p. 166), after describing some specimens, makes this observation:-" The Grouse differ somewhat in colour according to locality. Judging from the series I have before me, I consider that those from Scotland are somewhat the larger, and considerably darker in colour. Those from the north of England are more rufous ; and the Irish bird is considerably the lightest, and has a yellowish red tinge in the plumage ; the feathers on the legs are also darker and |