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Show 576 MR. S. HANLEY ON THE GENUS LEPTOMYA. [June 20, 5. On tbe Genus Leptomya (A. Adams). By SYLVANUS HANLEY. [Received June 13, 1882.] The little genus Leptomya (which, despite my aversion to the multiplicity of names induced by the unnecessary division of established genera, I regard as a natural and a useful one, because its members cannot be placed elsewhere) was briefly characterized, in English, by Arthur Adams in 1864. Reference was made to only two species, both so cursorily described that it was almost impossible to determine them, as neither had been figured. Of the first, regarded as an abnormal Neara by Hinds (N. cochlearis, Hinds), only a single valve had been previously taken. It is not absolutely positive that the second (Scrobicularia adunca of Gould) may not prove identical, although the description by Hinds is more applicable to another species than to his own type. The genus was also limited to these two by Tryon, in his useful catalogue of Bivalves, in 1869. In the Linnean ' Proceedings' I have published the characters of a third species, L. gravida ; and now I know at least two others, which I here characterize. LEPTOMYA PSITTACUS, sp. nov. T. suba quit ater alls, nivea, fragilis (sed opaca), acuminato-obovata (vel rotundato-ovata), antice late rotundata,postice acute et breviter sed conspicue rostrata, ad umbones ventricosa, rostrum versus concava et compressa, sublavigata, margines versus aut em rugis tenuibus confertisque concentrice lamellata. Mar go dorsalis utrinque subrectus, antice paulum, postice modice declivis ; mar go ventralis in medio valde arcuatus, postice sinuatus, et rapide acclivis. Area lunularis impressa ; area dorsalis postica per august a. Long. 1*2, lat. 1 poll. Hab. ign. (Mus. Hanley). The outline of this very rare shell reminds one of the head of a parrot. The beak is placed high up, as in L. gravida. LEPTOMYA SPECTABILIS, sp. nov. T. prcecedenti similis, sed ovato-acuminata, haud rostrata, postice subcuneiformis,- margo ventralis simplex et antice ; extremitaspostica infra medium posita. Long. 1-25, lat. 0*95 poll. Hab. Japan 1 (Mus. Hanley). I believe this was tbe shell supposed by A. Adams to be the In cochlearis of Hinds, with whose description it fairly accords ; 1 found it thus marked in Taylor's collection, which had been largely recruited from Adams's types. The name spectabilis was attached to a fine example, classed as a Scrobicularia (it is not that of Philippi) in the British Museum. |