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Show 316 DR. GADOW ON THE ANATOMY OF PTEROCLES. [Mar. 21, from the posterior part of the crural plexus passes out, and then runs along the inner side of the thigh, superficially to the inner side of the proximal end of the leg (Ruge's branch, as termed by m e in my paper on the Ratitae). The ambiens muscle, on account of its nervous supply, belongs to the crural plexus, as the nerve of this muscle is one branch of the large nervous stem which passes laterally from the m. ambiens into the inner head of the m. fernoro-tibialis (m. rectus internus femoris). The m. fernoro-tibialis (mm. vasti or m. crurseus) consists of three heads. The inner one (m. rectus internus femoris) is the biggest and most distinct; it arises from the whole inner and hinder aspect Fig. 1. Deeper adductor muscles of the right thigh of Pterocles arenarius of the femur, and is inserted, independently of the others, into the anterior crest of the tibia. The middle head is also very fleshy, arises from nearly the whole of the anterior aspect of the femur, takes up the distal part of the m. ilio-tibialis, and is inserted into the patella and into the head of the tibia. The third or outer head is quite separate from the others, and is inserted into the outer edge of the caput tibia? by the help of the ligamentum tibio-patellare. All these three heads are supplied by nerves from the crural plexus. The ?M. ilio-fibularis (m. biceps) takes its origin from the lateral |