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Show 758 MAJOR G. F. L. MARSHALL ON [Dec. 1 9, 8. Notes on Asiatic Butterflies, with Descriptions of some new Species. By Major G. F. L. M A R S H A L L , R.E., F.Z.S. [Received December 4, 1882.] AMECERA MENAVA. A single female specimen has recently been taken by Col. A. M. Lang, R.E., in the Kawas valley, in Beluchistan, at 8000 feet elevation. This species is new to the Beluchistan fauna ; and it is evident from this capture that the range of the species is much wider than has hitherto been believed. It is a very local insect, and does not appear to be common anywhere. HlPPARCHIA PIMPLA. A single male specimen which is apparently referable to this species was taken by Col. A. M. Lang, R.E., on a rocky mountain-top, at 8£00 feet elevation, near the Kawas valley, in Beluchistan. It differs from a female specimen, taken by Major John Biddulph on the Shandur plateau, in North-west Kashmir, on the upperside in its uniform dark brown colour and the absence of fulvous markings on the fore wing; and on the underside in its generally darker tone and better-defined markings, and the much more restricted area of the fulvous patch on the fore wing. This species is extremely rare. HlPPARCHIA ANTHE, $ , var. The specimens referred to under this name by Mr. A. G. Butler (Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. ix. p. 207, 1882) have been returned to Col. Swinhoe * and I have had an opportunity of examining them. There may have been some mistake in the ticketing ; but the specimens returned are not of the genus Hipparchia at all; they belong to Epinephile, and are females of E, roxane. AULOCERA BRAHMINUS. In the Society's 'Proceedings' for 1880, p. 147, Mr. Butler remarks :-Mr. Moore has kindly pointed out to me that the sexes figured by Blanchard are referable to distinct species, the male being the A. werang of Lang." It is true that two distinct species are figured -the male, A. brahminus, Blanchard, and the female, the yellow-tinted variety of A. swaha ; but it is premature to suppress the name werang on the strength of this plate only. There are two forms of Aulocera in the N.W. Himalayas having the white fascia on the upperside very narrow:-one, of the same size as A. swaha, with the underside dark and comparatively uniform in shade, which is typical A. brahminus; the other considerably smaller, with the underside pale and beautifully variegated. This latter is A. werang or weranga, as it has been more euphoniously restyled by later authors ; it is found at higher elevations than typical A. brahminus. |