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Show 58 MR. M, JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. [Jail. 3, black spot near the scutellum and another broad band of the same colour, the anterior part of which is greatly narrowed and concave at its inner margin ; this band does not extend quite to the lateral margin or the apex. Underside and femora testaceous ; tibiae and tarsi black. M y collection and that of the British Museum. 14. MALACOSOMA FLAVOMARGINATUM, sp. nov. Elongate, testaceous. Head and thorax fulvous ; elytra closely punctured, blackish blue, the lateral and sutural margins flavous. Length 3 lines. Hab. South Africa. Head convex, closely punctured. Antennae half the length of the body, black, first three joints flavous. Thorax of the same shape as in M. quadrimaculatum, its surface distinctly but less closely punctured. Scutellum flavous. Elytra very closely and rather strongly punctured, black with a bluish tint, the sutural and lateral margins, as well as the apex, narrowly flavous. Underside and legs of the same colour; tarsi piceous. Collection Jacoby. GONIOPLEURA, "Westwood. 15. G O N I O P L E U R A BASALIS, sp. nov. Elongate, convex, rufous. Thorax finely punctured, its sides tri-dentate ; elytra finely pubescent, metallic green or blue, the base more or less broadly rufous. Length 7 lines. Hab. Sumatra. Head finely and. closely puuctured. Clypeus slightly transversely depressed, its anterior margin deeply concave and bidentate. Apex of jaws black. Antenna? light fulvous, extending to one third the length of the body. Thorax subquadrate, punctured like the head ; each lateral margin produced at the middle into a biangulate flat protuberance preceded by a small tooth, from which an oblique depression extends across the disk towards the base. Scutellum rufous. Elytra convex and parallel, closely and rather more strongly punctured than the thorax, and covered, especially towards the apex, with whitish pubescence; metallic green or blue, with a more or less broad rufous transverse band at the base. Underside and legs rufous. Collection Jacoby and British Museum. From G. viridipennis, Clark, to which the present species bears a great resemblance, it may be distinguished by the dentate and angulate lateral thoracic margin, which in Clark's species consists of a sinyle tooth only, while here it is followed by an almost square-shaped broad angular protuberance. The rufous basal margin of the elytra varies in width, but is constant, This species forms the fourth of the genus Goniopleura, |