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Show 136 PROF. ST.-GEORGE MIVART ON THE JELUROIDEA. [Feb. /, to the subursine section. It is true that the teeth have some resemblance to those of Viverra;; but this only results from the greater or less development of different cusps, being an adaptation to a more carnivorous diet." He observes, as to Proteles \ that it " has the cranial characters common to the Cats and Hyaenas: from the dentition, so singularly modified by arrest of development, but little evidence of zoological affinity can be adduced; I should therefore be rather inclined to consider it a modified Hyaena, since in the external characters it so closely resembles the animals of that genus." As to the Hyaenas themselves, he declares himself disposed to consider them, judging from their cranial characters, as rather more approaching the Cats than the Viverra, but proposes to obviate the difficulties thus arising by a division of his family Felidce into three subfamilies, one for the Cats, another for the Viverrce, and the third for the Hyaenas and Proteles. The characters and subdivisions of his family Felidce are expressed as follows2:- Fam. F E L I D C E. Auditory bulla rounded, frequently showing indications of being divided into two parts. Paroccipital process flattened, and applied to the back part of the auditory bulla. Foramen condyloideum more or less concealed. Foramen gle-noideum very small or wanting. Caecum small or moderate, simple. Cowper's glands present. Prostate gland salient. Subfam. VIVERRINA (confined to the Old World). A distinct alisphenoid canal (with very few exceptions). Auditory bulla distinctly subdivided. Canalis caroticus distinct, though sometimes only as a groove. True molars on each side g- Galictis. Cynogale. Ryzcena. Paradoxurus. Cynictis. Herpestes. Prionodon. Genetta. Arctictis. Viverra. Subfam. HY^ENINA (confined to the Old World). No alisphenoid canal. Division of auditory bulla scarcely perceptible. Canalis caroticus indistinct, or very small. True molars on each side l-~ ; premolars on each side ^. Proteles. Hyana. 1 Loc. cit. p. 82. 2 Loc. cit. p. 86. |