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Show 1882.] REV. 0. P. CAMBRIDGE ON N E W ARANEIDEA. 425 greyish-yellow and darker hues, and with numerous prominent bristly ones. Along the middle of the fore half of the upperside is a largish paler yellow-brown somewhat oblong marking, enlarging to its hinder extremity, where it has three divergent points. On the middle of the hinder part of this marking is a longitudinal dark-brown patch; following this, towards the spinners, are several indistinct, curved, pale transverse lines. The underside is pale yellowish brown. This species was founded upon a Spider received in a dried and pinned state from Mr. T. J. Melliss, by whom it was captured in the island of St. Helena. The legs were set out laterally ; and the various structural characters of the Spider presenting a striking agreement with some of the Thomisida represented by the genus Olios, led me at the moment to include it in that genus. Subsequently, however, I received a fine well-conditioned example in spirit of wine, and at once saw that it was not a laterigrade Spider at all, but belonged probably to some unknown genus of Drassida. This is also confirmed by the opinion of Mons. Simon, to whom I lately sent it for examination, its nearest allies being probably the genus Clubiona. ARACHOSIA, g. n. (nom. propr.). Cephalothorax oval; lateral marginal constrictions well marked ; anterior portion of caput (at the insertion of the falces) truncated in a straight line, the corners being a little prominent; profile-line even and almost level, very slightly highest at the beginning of the posterior slope. Eyes small, and not greatly different in size, in two transverse rows, of which the anterior (or lower one) is nearly straight, and the posterior very strongly curved ; the convexity of the curve directed backwards. The eyes of the lateral pairs are pretty widely separated. Legs not very long, strong, 4, 3, 1, 2 (3, 1, and 2 being very nearly of equal length), armed with hairs and slender spines; terminal tarsal claws two, with claw-tuft and scopula (not dense) beneath the tarsi and metatarsi. Falces moderately long and strong, prominent at their base in front, and a little directed forwards. Maxilla rather long, straight, sides nearly parallel, rounded on the outer sides at their extremity, and obliquely truncated on the inner sides. Labium about half the length of the maxillte, oblongr and rounded at apex. Sternum oval, pointed behind. Abdomen elongate-oval, of a somewhat cylindrical form, fitting fairly up to but not over the thorax; at the middle of the underside is a largish transverse curved slit or aperture, leading doubtless to a respiratory apparatus. This aperture is covered with |