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Show 166 PROF. ST.-GEORGE MIVART ON THE ALUROIDEA. [Feb. 7, « Voyage de la Bonite,' p. 28, pl. v., which is a good coloured representation of the animal, with outline of skull and teeth, which are also figured (under the name Paradoxurus derbyanus) on pis. vii. and xii. of De Blainville's ' Osteographie ' (Viverra). It is an inhabitant of Malacca and Borneo. It differs strikingly from most other Viverrida by its system of coloration, as it has transverse stripes instead of longitudinal markings and spots. It is in this respect only approached by the Linsangs. Its ground-colour is whitish Fig. 10. Pads of Hemigalea. A, left manus ; B, left pes. yellow, with red-brown markings. The tail is ringed at its proximal part, hut is black distally. There are three stripes on the head, two down the neck, and it is irregularly marked on the shoulders. The hair on the dorsum of the neck is reversed in direction. The claws are sharp and retractile. The pads, besides those beneath the five toes, are concentrated, so as to form a considerable naked space (pointed upwards) on the metatarsus, while the tarsus is almost, if not quite, entirely hairy. No hairy interval divides the proximal and distal portions of the palmar pad. The claws are strongly arched (cf. fig. 14 D, p. 192. |