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Show 422 MR. H. STEVENSON ON PUFFINUS OBSCURUS. [May 16, the Earsham estate (near Bungay) in Norfolk about the 1 Oth or 12th of April, 1858, and was recorded by myself in the « Zoologist for that year, p. 6096. It was brought in a perfectly fresh state to a Norwich bird-stuffer, named Saver, by Captain Meacle, who, at that time, rented the Hall and the shooting at Earsham ; but as, shortly after, Capt. Meacle broke up his establishment there and left the country, this specimen was altogether lost sight of, and I was unable to confirm m y first impression as to the species. Early in the present year, Mr. J. H. Gurney, Junr., and I, in comparing notes for a revised • List of the Birds of Norfolk,' had some correspondence respecting this almost forgotten specimen, which was fortunately discovered to have been preserved at Earsham Hall, along with other birds killed on the estate, and had never been, as at first supposed, the property of Capt. Meacle. This most interesting bird has been kindly entrusted to me for further identification as to the species, and for exhibition, by Mr. W . Hartcup, of Bungay, Trustee of the late Sir W . Dalling's estate at Earsham. Owing to m y temporary absence from Norwich at the time, I did not see the Petrel in the flesh, but I examined it a few days after it had been ' set up.' It had evidently not been shot; but a wound on one side of the head, as though it had been hit, or had flown violently against something, was probably the cause of its death. " Except on the side of the head as stated, the feathers were perfectly clean and unruffled ; but the inner web of one foot was partially nibbled away, as though a mouse or other vermin had been at it, at least so it struck me at the time ; but I have since found the webs of the feet in other sea-birds, skins especially, slit up, from quite different causes. The injury to the head is still visible in this specimen, on the side next the back of the case, and helps to identify the bird as the one seen by me in 1858 if there could be the slightest question as to this being the same I recorded in the ' Zoologist.' The webs of both feet are now imperfect, apparently injured by insects. The man who stuffed it assured me that the Petrel was a male by dissection, and in poor condition. " I have recently taken the following measurements :- inches. Total length 12 (scant). Beak 1 Carpal joint to end of longest primary .. 7^% Tarsus 1 ^ (1| scant). Middle toe and claw 11 " N.B. When I first saw it, having been dead some few days, the beak was a dull black and the webs of the feet yellowish brown." The following papers were read :- |