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Show 242 MR. F. MOORE ON LEPIDOPTERA [Feb. 21, APATURA JACINTHA. Papilio jacintha, Drury, Illust. Exot. Ins. ii. pl. 21. f. 1, 2 (1773). " Hills, June to September. Settling upon oak (Quercus mcana). Never found in company with preceding." ACIDALIA NIPHE. Papilio niphe, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 785 (1767); Drury, Illust. Exot. Ins. i. pl. 6. f. 1. " Found in the valleys." ARGYNNIS CHILDRENI. Argynnis childreni, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 33(1831); Lep. Ins. Nepal, p. 11, pl. 11- „ Tr , . .,,n i 19 Argynnis sakontala, Kollar, Hiigel's Kasch. iv. p. 439, pl. 1- (1844). « On thistles, 6000 feet." ARGYNNIS JAINADEVA. Argynnis jainadeva, Moore, Ent. Monthly Mag, 1864, p. 131 j P.Z.S. 1865, p. 495, pl. 30. f. 1. ARGYNNIS ISS^EA. Argynnis issaa, Moore, Catal. Lep. Mus. E.I. C. i. p. 156 (1857). "Hills, flying over the grassy slopes." ARGYNNIS BARALACHA, n. sp. (Plate XI. figs. 1, 1 a.) Male Upperside fulvous; lower basal area of both wings minutely black-speckled : fore wing with a black recurved streak within the cell, a lunular streak at its end; a discal transverse zigzag series of broader streaks, two outer rows of small spots, which are indistinct at the apex, and a marginal, indistinct, dentated lunular speckled line : hind wing with two less distinct and more slender cell-streaks, discal row of spots, two outer rows of spots (of which the inner row is indistinct), and a marginal speckled line. Underside-fore wing paler fulvous, with the cell, discal, and inner row of black spots as above showing very indistinctly ; the costal border, two streaks from the apex, and short X-shaped marginal marks being yellow: hind wing yellow, with a very irregular transverse subbasal, discal, and a marginal fulvous-red band ; the subbasal band bordered outwardly by linear pearly streaks, the discal band by indistinct pearly lunules, and the marginal band traversed by pearly X-shaped marks ; the discal and marginal bands more or less confluent; a small pearly spot also within the cell. Expanse If inch. Hab. Ladak. In coll. British Museum. MELIT^EA CASHMIRENSIS. Melitaa cashmirensis, Moore, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 267, pl. 43. f. 4. |