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Show 1882.] MR. S H A R P E O N A N E W SPECIES O F M U S C I C A P A . 591 MUSCICAPA USSHERI, sp. n. Adult. General colour above light brown, slightly more fulvescent brown on the lower back and rump ; lesser and median wing-coverts a little more ashy than the back ; greater coverts, primary-coverts, and quills dusky brown, externally edged with the same brown as the back; tail-feathers dusky brown, externally edged with brown like the back, and very narrowly fringed with whitish along the tip and near the end of the inner web ; nasal plumes and lores dull white, extending above the fore part of the eye so as to form a slight superciliary streak ; eyelid and feathers below the eye dull white ; the ear-coverts very light brown with dull whitish shaft-lines; cheeks and throat huffy white, with a tinge of fawn-colour on the fore neck ; breast, abdomen, and under tail-coverts white, the latter with light-brown centres; sides of breast, flanks and thighs light brown tinged with fawn-colour; under wing-coverts and axillaries ochreous buff; quills dusky below, whitish along the edge of the inner web ; bill horn-brown, whitish at the base of the lower mandible. Total lengtb 5 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 2*8, tail 2*2, tarsus 0*85. Hab. Abokobi, Gold Coast, Feb. 1880. This species has the appearance of an Erythrosterna; but the colour of its tail separates it from any of the species with which I am acquainted, otherwise it comes into the " Key to the Species " of Muscicapa in m y ' Catalogue ' (vol. iv. p. 150) as follows :- a. With no white bar on the wing and with no white at base of tail. a'. Breast white, with brown streaks &c. a". Ashy brown &c grisola, p. 151. b". Dark brown &c griseisticta, p. 153. f. Breast uniform, without streaks. c". General colour above brown, ashy grey or slate-colour : size large, wing 2*8 to 3*1 inches. a'". Bill horn-brown, the base of the lower mandible yellowish white. a4. Under wing-coverts and axillaries brown; upper surface brown aguatica, p. 154. £*. Under wing-coverts aud axillaries ochreous buff; upper surface brown ussheri, sp. nov. NOTICE. According to present arrangements the' Proceedings' are issued in four parts, as follows:- Part I. containing papers read in January and February, on June 1st. II. „ ,, „ March and April, on August 1st. III. ,, „ ,. May and June, on October 1st. IV. „ „ „ November and December, on April 1st. The price is 12s. per part for the edition with coloured, and 3s. per part that with uncoloured Plates. |