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Show 1882.] FROM THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. 615 it at once penetrates by successive hops into the dense shade. I have never observed its flight. 125. O R E O T R O C H I L U S L E U C O P L E U R U S , Gould. cf. Fuerte de Andalgala, Catamarca, Arg. Rep., Sept. 25, 1880. I only obtained one specimen, as it was feeding on the flowers of the Idiondilla (Cestrum pseudoguina). 126. SPARGANURA SAPPHO (Less.). cf 2 • City of Catamarca, Arg. Rep., Aug. 12, 1880. Iris dark. I have met with these Humming-birds scattered, although somewhat sparsely, over the upper provinces of the Republic, feeding principally upon Nicotiana glauca, the Quichua name for which is " palan-palan." They follow it southwards as it flowers, even as far as Cordoba ; but their true habitat is the Andean region. In Quichua, Humming-birds generally are called " Tuminicos." When these are poised in front of a flower with wings and tail expanded in the full sunshine, they offer the most brilliant feathery picture imaginable; and as they dart off their flight is so speedy that the eye cannot follow. 127. PATAGONA GIGAS (Vieill.). cf. Fuerte de Andalgala, Catamarca, Arg. Rep., Sept. 15, 1880. 2. „ „ „ » Sept. 29, 1880. This magnificent bird, which the natives say they have never seen before at Andalgala, was shot on the "palan-palan," the usual plant that it frequents at this season. It appeared here just after a two days' severe snow-storm, so that in all probability it had been driven down hither by it. It is exceedingly powerful on the wing, and flutters in front of a flower, sipping the nectar, exactly as the smaller species of this family. They have a most peculiar, zig-zag, jerky flight, which, when making a long detour for any particular spot, becomes undulating. They are without doubt partially insect-eaters, as I have not only observed their crops full of flies and small beetles, but have also seen them pursue and catch them in the air, with the motions of a Flycatcher. They perch on some bare branch of a plant, which they entirely appropriate, driving off every other bird that dares to approach, and every now and then visit all its flowers to sip the sweets. The large humble-bees, however, cause them some trouble, as they likewise lij ted to sipping nectar ; these the P. gigas attacks with all its force, and by fluttering its wings, rushing at, pushing and pecking them, succeeds in ridding the spot of their presence. The note of this bird is similar to the chirp of a young Sparrow, but much stronger. These birds, like animals generally m the Argentine Republic, take no notice of a person mounted, but instantly disappear when a foot-passenger approaches ; so that as I was on muleback I was enabled to ride close up to and observe them. |