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Show 1882.] FROM THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC 617 132. CAMPEPHILUS BOI^EI (Wagl.). cf. Pilciao, Andalgala, Catamarca, Arg. Rep., Sept. 16, 18S0. 2 . Campo Colorado, Oran, Salta, Arg. Rep., Nov. 4, 1880. Iris light yellow. As I was out on muleback at Pilciao chasing the Chunga burmeisteri, on passing an algarroba-tree I chanced to observe this beautiful bird, which revealed itself by its vigorous pecking; it seems to be rare in that locality. I likewise obtained it at Campo Colorado, in the midst of the dense forest, but clear of undergrowth. Its cry, or rather croak, is peculiarly strong. The 2 bas more black on the head than the cf • 133. DRYOCOPUS ERYTHROPS (Val.). cf. San Javier, Misiones, Arg. Rep., June 8, 1881. Only a few specimens observed, and they only in the dense forests. 134. Picus MIXTUS, Bodd. cf. Fuerte de Andalgala, Catamarca, Arg. Rep., Sept. 2, 1880. Iris sepia. I shot a pair of these Woodpeckers on some old posts in the midst of a very dense hedge ; one skin, however, was unfortunately spoilt. 135. Picus CACTORUM, Lafr. et d'Orb. cf 2 • City of Catamarca, Arg. Rep., Aug. 7, 1880. Iris brown. I found these tolerably abundant in the province of Catamarca, where three or four are usually observed together on a large cactus, but on being disturbed either take to another cactus or to the lofty branches of algarroba trees. 136. CHLORONERPES AFFINIS (Wagl.). cf 2- Campo Santo, Salta, Arg. Rep., Nov. 29, 1880. Iris crimson. Does not seem uncommon about these parts. [I have not seen Mr. White's skins referred to this species - P. L. S.] 137. CHLORONERPES AURULENTUS (Licht.). cf . San Javier, Misiones, Arg. Rep., June 8, 1881. 2- Concepcion, Misiones, Arg. Rep., June 23, 1881. This bird, unusually met with in Concepcion, is common in San Javier, only a distance of ten leagues further north. It is seen singly in dead high trees, and makes a tapping so loud, and heard at such a distance, as to cause me to imagine it proceeded from one of the larger species. [I have not seen Mr. White's skins; but Azara includes a Woodpecker (his no. 257) which is referred by Hartlaub (Ind. Az. p. 16) and Cab. et Hein. (Mus. Hein. Scansores, p. 158) to this species - P.L.S.] |