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Show 1882.] THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 233 red colour, without saying how it is distinguishable when in this from C. pallidum. For further information on Corallium in the fossil state, I would refer to G. Seguenza, Mem. Accad. Torino, (2) xxi. p. 400, and to a paper by A. Scilla, there cited ; also to P. M . Duncan, * Palaeonto-graphica Indica,' xiv. p. 167, and to the works cited in the Hist. Nat. des Coralliaires of M.-Edwards and Haime, vol. i. p. 205. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. Fig. 1. Corallium stylasteroides (p. 225), left side of colony, from front, nat. size. 2. The same, portion of main branch, from behind, magnified 6 diam. 3. The same, portion of one of the lesser branches with the cortex removed by potash, showing surface-striation and polype-cavities of hard axis, magnified 4 diam. 4. The same, octoradiate spicule, magnified 400 diam. 6. Pleurocorallium johnsoni (p. 223), octoradiate spicule, magnified 400 diam. 6. Pleurocorallium secundum, var. elatior (p. 228), larger fragment, from front, nat. size. 7. The same, terminal portion of smaller fragment, in outline, nat. size. 8. The same, broken surface of base of smaller fragment, to show colours of axis, nat. size. (The excentricity is due to the fact that the fracture includes the commencement of a branch.) 9. The same, surface of anterior aspect of main axis of larger fragment, part of the cortex being abraded, showing striation of hard axis, characters of cortex and verrucre ; magnified 2^ diam. 10. The same, sexradiate spicule, magnified 400 diam. 11. The same, opera-glass spicules, (a) from side, (b) from above, magnified 400 diam. February 21, 1882. Prof. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. The Secretary read the following report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of January 1882 :- The total number of registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of January was 51, of which 28 were by presentation, 12 by purchase, 2 by birth, and 9 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period, by death and removals, was 81. The most noticeable additions during the month of January were as follows :- 1. A young male Gayal, born in the Gardens January 6, being the produce of the fine pair received in exchange in October 1880 from the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta *. So far as I am aware, this is the first instance of this animal having bred in Europe. The drawing by Mr. Smit (Plate X.) represents the young gayal (as it appeared on February 14th) and its mother. The male Gayal has been figured, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 1, pl. i. 2. A young female Markhore (Capra megaceros) from Afghanistan, presented by Lieut.-Col. Oliver B. C. St. John, F.Z.S., January 17- 1 See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 538. |