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Show 200 PROF. ST.-GEORGE MIVART ON THE ALUROIDEA. [Feb. 7, wanting in a specimen of H. brunnea). P. 4 is like the Cats', save that the anterior and posterior external cusps are nearly equal and more nearly approach in size the median external cusp, that the internal cusp is much larger and stouter, while the base of the antero-external angle of the tooth is not prominent. Tbe antero-external fang is m u c h more slender relatively, while the postero-external one and that of the internal tubercle are stouter. -*- differs from that of the Cats in its greater relative vertical and less antero-posterior development, and that its small talon seems never to be bilobed. Its basal ridge is m u c h more developed within, and still more at the hinder part of the tooth. It has two very long roots, the anterior one of which is slightly the stouter. -- differs from that of Felis (except that of F. planiceps) in having two roots ; it is like - , only smaller and less powerful. It is vastly more powerful than is - of Felis. -"- is close to (or almost close to) the canine; it is conical, with a basal ridge all round (much marked within and behind), and has a cutting-edge extending from the posterior outer to the antero-inner parts of the tooth, p-j is absent. p-2 is much larger than -^-, but smaller than -*- ; it is conical, but laterally compressed, with an antero-posterior cutting-edge, and a basal ridge all round it, but especially behind, where it develops a second, small tubercle. It is like the Cats' p-g, but it is a little more vertically developed relatively, and is more quadrate when viewed from above. It has two subequal fangs, p-3 is more caniniform ; it differs from the Cats' in its large basal ridge, and has two large roots, the anterior of which is rather the larger, p-- has two fangs, the posterior of which is rather the larger; it is like the last tooth, save that its talon is larger and bears two tubercles side by side. It differs from the Cats' in its smaller talon and merely rudimentary anterior cusp, ^-j is like that of the Cats; but the cusps are relatively shorter, and there is a talon which bears two small cusps; there is also a cusp within the more posterior of the two large cusps. Comparing the milk-dentition of Hyana with that of the Cats, I find that - has two roots; it is very like the Cats' - , and therefore very unlike - of Felis. - (the milk sectorial) is very like the Cats' deciduous sectorial; but its inner tubercle is larger relatively ; it is similarly situated. The deciduous outer incisors do not exceed the inner ones nearly so m u c h as in the permanent dentition. ^-2 is just like the Cats' g^. g-g is like the Cats' g-^, only larger relatively. -"- is very different from that of the Cats, because it has a very large talon with three small cusps as well, on and inside (and side by side with) the hinder principal cusp, half the size of the latter ; it is a slight exaggeration of the permanent lower sectorial. There is no supracondyloid foramen to the humerus. There is |