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Show 2 M. TACZANOWSKI ON BIRDS COLLECTED [Jan. 3, smallest known representative of its kind. The skull was larger in proportion to the body than in either Dinornis maximus or D. mgeiis, but manifested no modification approaching to the shape of the bill in Apteryx; it retained the generic characters shown in all the larger kinds of Dinornis. The sternum was strictly Dmormthic. The chief osteological distinction was a greater number of cervical vertebra? ; but the author remarked that no other skeleton had been discovered, or recovered from swamp-deposits, under circumstances precluding the oversight of two or more vertebras from the middle of the long neck, where missing ones might be indicated by size or by joints. The metatarsus gave no indication of an articular surface for a back toe, yet the bones of this minute digit of both feet were transmitted; hence the amalgamation of Palapteryx with Dinornis received additional support. The size of the bird was about that of the Dodo. O n the grounds detailed in the memoir the author referred its subject to the genus Dinornis, and to a new species proposed to be called D. parvus. In the remote, well-wooded, and sparsely populated district of the southern division of N e w Zealand, Prof. O w e n was of opinion that a recovery of a still-existing specimen might be less unlikely than that of the Notornis, also originally recognized by fossil remains. This memoir will be printed entire in the Society's • Transactions.' The following papers were read :- L Liste des Oiseaux recueillis par M. Stolzmann au Perou nord-oriental. Par L . T A C Z A N O W S K I , C.M.Z.S. [Received November 28, 1881.1 (Plates I. & II.) Les oiseaux de cette liste ont ete collectionnos pendant les vingt mois depuis le 13 septembre de 1879 jusqu'en avril de 1881, dans les localites suivantes :- a. Localites situees sur le versant occidental de la chaine orientale des Cordilieres (systeme du Haut Maranon). Chachapoyas. Chef lieu du departement Amazonas, eleve a, 7600 pieds au dessus du niveau de l'ocean, situe dans le systeme de Rio Utcubamba, un des affluents de la rive droite du Maranon. Cette localite, depourvue de forets, appartient a, la region connue par les habitants sous le nom de la Sierra. La contree est en grande partie couverte de paturages et de broussailles, et ce n'est que dans le fond des ravins qu'on rencontre la vegetation un peu plus riche, composee principalement d'un arbuste epineux nommc "zarza" entremele d'aulnes, en y formant des surfaces plus ou moins vastes de broussailles basses, presque impc'netrables, parsemees ca et la de groupes |