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Show 1882.] FROM T H E A R G E N T I N E R E P U B L I C . 601 This pretty song-bird is exceedingly common around the houses in the suburbs of Buenos Aires. The nest, when located in holes in the houses, is built of straw and twigs, but when in trees is usually lined with horsehair. The breeding-season extends from early spring to autumn ; and the eggs, rather sharply pointed, are of a light green ground, mottled with brown spots ; and the clutch consists of four. Meas. : axis 19 millim., diam. 14 millim. [I have not seen Mr. White's specimens; but they are probably S. pelzelni, mihi, Ibis, 1872, p. 42, if the species are distinct, as I believe is the case.-P. L. S.] 50. MOLOTHRUS BONARIENSIS (Gm.). cf . Monte Grande, B. Aires, Arg. Rep., Dec. 31, 1880. ?. „ „ „ Jan. 4, 1881. The birds are common all over the Republic. It is usual for them to lay in the nests of other birds, such as Troglodytes furvus ; indeed I have never known these lazy architects take the trouble to construct their own dwellings. The number of eggs varies in different nests, as likewise their coloration. All, however, have a white ground; but some are dotted with large rufous-brown spots, whilst others are entirely devoid of them; but the typical shell is sprinkled over thickly with minute reddish-brown spots on a white ground. Meas.: axis 24 millim., diam. 19 millim. 51. MOLOTHRUS RUFO-AXILLARIS, Cass. cf. Fuerte de Andalgala, Catamarca, Arg. Rep., Sept. 2, 1880. 2 • City of Catamarca, Arg. Rep., Aug. 7, 1880. Iris brown. Rather common round the hedges and high trees by the side of alfalfa-fields in the neighbourhood of Andalgala, but by no means rare likewise in the province of Buenos Aires. In the spring of 1882 I obtained near Salto, Buenos Aires, its eggs, and found them laid in an old and large nest built of sticks by Anumbius acuticau-datus, high up in a Eucalyptus tree. The old birds kept near the nest, and, the moment any one approached, came close up to and around him, screeching. Four eggs in a clutch; the shell rather elongated, with pale green ground, streaked and spotted with dark sepia, thicker around the blunt end. Meas.: axis 22 millim., diam. 16 millim. 52. AGEL^EUS PHGJNICEUS (Linn.). cf. Adrogue, Buenos Aires, Arg. Rep., Jan. 28, 1881. Iris dark. Of these birds I obtained two or three in a maize-field. [This specimen requires examination. I have never seen A.phce-niceus from anywhere so far south.-P. L. S.] |