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Show 1881.] 'LIGHTNING'AND 'PORCUPINE'EXPEDITIONS. 925 Another short account of the animal, from my own observation, may not be useless. It was taken from a specimen which connected the typical form with the variety alterutra=L. gracilis, Conti. B O D Y yellowish-white : mantle very thick ; margin protruded beyond the front edges of the shell: tubes united throughout, and encased in a membranous sheath, which extends far beyond the tubes when the latter are not in action ; both tubes are mottled with reddish-brown ; they are nearly equal in size, and are studded with tubercles (which are occasionally branched) at their orifices: foot yellowish-brown, tongue-shaped, very large and fleshy. Mr. Duprey says he has seen a specimen extend its tubes 5 inches beyond the shell. Both he and Mr. McAndrew have found this species living in company with the next. 3. LUTRARIA OBLONGA, Chemnitz. Mya oblonga, Chemn. Conch.-Cab. vi. p. 27, t. 2. f. 12. L. oblonga, B. C. ii. p. 430 ; v. p. 189, pi. xliv. f. 2. 'Porcupine' Exp. 1870 : Med. St. 50. Distribution. S. England and W . Ireland to the Mediterranean and Adriatic, Mogador, Senegal, Cape Verd Is.; 0-20 fms. Fossil. Miocene : Austro-Hungarian Empire, Switzerland, Bordeaux Basin, S. France. Pliocene : Coralline Crag, Italy. Post-tertiary : Belfast, Selsea, Rhodes. The terminal cirri are cream-colour with a purplish base. It is difficult to distinguish some specimens of this species from L. elliptica. 1. SCBOBICULARIA PIPERATA (Belon), Gmelin. Mactra piperata, L. S. N. ed. Gmel. p. 3261. S. piperata, B. C. ii. p. 444, pi. viii. f. 4 ; v. p. 189, pi. xiv. f. 5. 'Porcupine' Exp. 1869 : St. Galway B. DistriBution. Bergen to Sicily, Adriatic, Mogador, Senegal?, Japan; 0-4 fms. Fossil. Upper Tertiaries: Red ? and Mammalian Crag, Sicily. Post-tertiary: Scandinavia, British Isles, N.W. Germany; 0-50 ft. Chama piperata of Belon and Aldrovandi, with 15 synonyms. Sold in the markets of Venice and Trieste (Senoner). 2. SCROBICULARIA COTTARDI, Payraudeau. Lutraria cottardii, Payr. Cat. Moll. Corse, p. 28, t. 1. f. 1, 2. 'Porcupine' Exp. 1870 : Atl. St. Vigo B. (hinge-fragment). Distribution. Gibraltar to the iEgean and Adriatic ; 0-20 fms. Fossil. Post-tertiary: Morea. Syn. Amphidesma sicula, G. B. Sowerby, sen.; 51. trigona, Brusina, is a variety ; Tellina rubiginosa, Poli, and Erycina ovata, Philippi, are the younger state. 3. SCROBICULARIA NITIDA, Muller. Mya nitida, Miill. Prodi*. Zool. Dan. p. 245. S. nitida, B. C. ii. p. 436 ? v. p. 189, pi. xiv. f. 2. 'Porcupine' Exp. 1869: St. 1, 2, 10, 17, 18, Donegal B., 61, |