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Show 1881.] NORTH-AMERICAN TINEID^E. 319 has somewhat the same fashion of ornamentation as Depressaria atrodorsella, Clem.; but it is a much smaller insect, with narrower wings, more rounded at the apex and anal angle, and with the costal blotch situated nearer to the base. Genus MENESTA (Clemens). M E N E S T A T O R T R I C I F O R M E L L A , Clem. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1860, p. 213; Stn., Tin. Nor. A m . p. 151. Menestra tortriciformella, Cham., Bull. U.S. Geog. & Geol. Surv. vol. iv. p. 157. Gelechia liturella, Walk., Cat. Lep. Het. B. M . xxix. p. 591. This is evidently the species described by Mr. Walker as Gelechia liturella. His type, which is in the British Museum, is in sufficiently good condition to be easily identified. It agrees with others verified by comparison with what I believe to have been Dr. Clemens's typical specimen in the collection of the American Entomological Society at Philadelphia. MENESTA RUBESCENS, sp. nov. (Plate XXXVI. fig. 9.) Capite, thorace et antennis dilute subochraceo-cinereis; palpis diversis, subalbidis, articulo apicali brunneo-fusco adumbrato, acuminato ; alis anticis a basi dilute subochraceo-cinerea rube-scentibus, puncto discali subobsoleto fuscescente ; posticis griseis. Head, thorax, and base of the fore wings pale stone-grey ; palpi diverging, whitish, the apical joint shaded with brownish fuscous, the tongue scaled with brownish fuscous at the base. Fore wings shaded off from the pale stone-grey base into pale brick-reddish, becoming almost purplish red before the apical margin; a faint indication of a small subfuscous spot at the end of the cell. Hind wings greyish. Expanse 11 millim. A single specimen received from Mr. Belfrage, from Texas, labelled "August 16." Genus GLYPHIPTERYX (Hubner). G L Y P H I P T E R Y X REGALIS, sp. nov. (Plate X X X V I . fig. 10.) Capite, palpis et antennis griseo-sericeis ; alis anticis aurantiacis, plaga dorsi basis, striga basali a costa obliqua, fascia anteme-diana et strigis post medium costalibus tribus nitentibus dilute griseo-chalybeis, ciliis fuscescentibus sub apice albido interruptis, macula elongata supra angulum analem nigra, antice marginem apicalem versus attenuata, punctis quatuor metallice albido-chaly-beis ornata, spatio supra earn subochraceo-griseo, strigulisplurimis transversis nigro-fuscis ; posticis aurantiaco-brunneis. Head small, shining greyish ; antennae greyish, scarcely pubescent; palpi short, slightly upturned, shining greyish above, whiter beneath. Thorax orange, greyish in the middle, whitish beneath. Fore wings bright orange, with shining steel-grey bands or streaks |