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Show 1881.] OF AMURLAND, NORTH CHINA, AND JAPAN. 877 PIERIS NAPI, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. p. 468. P. aglaope, Motsch. Et. Ent. 1860, p. 28. P. megamera, Butl. Cist. Ent. i. p. 173 (1873). P. napi, var. orientis, Oberthur, Et. Ent. v. p. 13 (1880). The difficulty which exists in understanding the forms of P. napi found in America has not been overcome, though for many years many good observers were working on the spot. Mr. Edwards's admirable monograph in 'Papilio' for June 1881 has made clear one thing to m y mind; and that is, that there can be no greater mistake than to decide hastily in such intricate questions as these. The East-Asiatic forms of P. napi are puzzling in the extreme ; and as we at present know little or nothing of their distribution, seasons, and larval states, I can only say that I believe the synonyms quoted above apply to what I should consider a form of P. napi common in Japan and Amurland, but not hitherto seen from China. P. aglaope seems analogous to the European form P. Bryonia, considered, as I think justly, by Mr. Edwards as the parent stock of this species. P. GLICIRIA, Cram. Pap. Ex. ii. t. 171. P. claripennis, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, xix. p. 96. P. sordida, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, xix. p. 96. I have examined the types of P. claripennis and P. sordida, both of wdiich are in Pryer's Chinese collection. In P. claripennis from Shanghai the spots do not show through the upperside of fore wing, but I see no characters of note by which to separate it. P. sordida, from the Snowy Valley near Ningpo, seems intermediate between P. rapa and P. gliciria, having the spots on outer margin of hind wing partly obsolete, and those on fore wing smaller than in Shanghai specimens of P'. gliciria, which nearly coire-spond with Himalayan ones, though not quite so heavily marked. I have not seen P. gliciria from Japan or Amurland. P. DAPLIDICE, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. p. 468. I have two specimens of this from China, locality uncertain, but probably Shanghai. I have not seen it from Japan, though De l'Orza includes it in his list. Bremer mentions it as found at Pekin and on the Amur. He also includes the spring form P. Bellidice, Ochs., under the name of Anthocharis Belemida, var. orientalis, Br. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 8, which was found on the Onon by Radde, though not seen by Dr. Staudinger from Amurland. ANTHOCHARIS SCOLYMUS, Butl. Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. ix. p. 52 (1866). A. thunBergii, De l'Orza, Lep. Jap. p. 14 (1869). This distinct species, which seems most nearly allied to the Cali-fornian A. lanceolata, Bdl., is found in Northern and Central Japan and at Shanghai, the latter specimens agreeing perfectly with |