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Show 86 ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS MADE DURING [Jail. 4 band. Length of body 1 inch 1 line; expanse of tegmina 2 inches 4 lines. St. Vincent, Cape-Verds, 24th October, 1878 ; from sandy patches. I found a second example of this species amongst the heterogeneous crowd of specimens placed by Walker under (Edipoda jiava of Linnaeus. C. HEMIPTERA. SdOCORID.E. 1. SCIOCORIS ODIOSUS, sp. n. Testaceous, regularly spotted and streaked all over with dull greyish brown; abdomen with regular black marginal spots; pectus longitudinally banded with black ; legs ochraceous; antennae orange; venter with a longitudinal streak of black on each side. Dull, densely punctured ; head obtusely subcorneal, convex behind, with marginal and dorsal longitudinal carinae, twice as long before as behind the eyes, which are prominent; thorax octagonal, fully twice as broad as long, deeply excavated in front to receive the head ; the humeral angles armed with a short obtuse denticle; scutellum large, half as long again as broad, obtusely triangular; legs smooth and rather slender, tibiae and tarsi covered rather densely with short bristles; ventral segments with their posterior angles slightly prominent. Length of head 2 millims., of thorax in the middle 2, at humeral angles 2g, width 5 ; length of scutellum 3, of each tegmen 6 ; entire length of insect 8. Monte Video (one specimen). GERRID^E. 2. HALOBATES MICANS. Halobates micans, Eschscholtz, Entomogr. p. 163, pi. 2. fig. 3. Taken in the towing-net on the surface, 29th Oct. 1878. Lat. 8°6'N., long. 25° 33' W. MEMBRACID^E. METHILLE, g. 11. Nearer to Hille, Stal, than to any genus with which I am acquainted, but altogether narrower, more depressed, the upper or dorsal margin of the pronotum nearly parallel to the anterior margin of the closed tegmina ; the head vertical, almost in a line with the anterior margin of the pronotum, which projects slightly in front of it; the pronotum not covering the mesonotum, its upper surface pentagonal; scutellum uncovered, triangular, very acute behind. Type M. cuneata. This genus in many of its characters seems to agree with Meli-zoderets of Spinola, with which, but for the figure, it might perhaps have been identified ; but, in spite of the manifest incorrectness of the illustration (which shows no trace of a scutellum, although the |