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Show 952 MOLLUSCA OF 'LIGHTNING' ETC. EXPEDITIONS. [Nov. 29, P. 585. Limopsis cristata. Bay of Biscay (' Travailleur' Exp.), 586 fms.; N e w England, 65-155 fms.? G.Mexico ('Blake' Exp.), 640 fms. „ Limopsis minuta. Bay of Biscay ('Travailleur' Exp.), 536-733 fms.; off Marseilles ('Travailleur' Exp., 1881), 295 fms. New England, 115-500 fms. G.Mexico (' Blake' Exp.), 30-805 fms. Fossil. Post-tertiary : Calabria. P. 586. Malletiaobtusa. Bay of Biscay ('Travailleur' Exp.), 536- 733 fms.; North Sea, 135 fms. „ Malletia cuneata. Bay of Biscay ('Travailleur' Exp.), 600-733 fms. N. Spain and off Marseilles (' Travailleur' Exp., 1881), 295 fms. Part III., P. Z. S. 1881:- P. 693. Pythina setosa. The Marquis de Monterosato has satisfied me that Dunker's species is only the young of Cypri-cardia lithophagella ; and I must therefore substitute for setosa the specific name given by Conti, viz. caillati, which is several years older than either of the names proposed by Dr. Fischer. I take this opportunity of offering to the Marquis the best thanks of myself and other conchologists for his extremely careful and conscientious labour on the Mediterranean Mollusca, in respect not only of his critical examination of all the literature which has been published on the subject, but also of his exact comparison of typical specimens described by many authors in collections widely dispersed throughout Europe. P. 711. Astarte. I regret that I cannot agree with Mr. Edgar Smith (see 'Journal of Conchology' for 1881) as to the crenulation of the front margin in certain species being a sign of maturity, which involves the question of specific distinction. P. 715. Venus multilamella. Off Marseilles ('Travailleur' Exp., 1881); 295 fms. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE Fig. 1. Lyonsia formosa, p. 030. 2. argentea, p. 930. 3. Pecchiolia subquadrata, p. 932. 4. insadpta, p. 932. 5. sinuosa, p. 932. 6. angulata, p. 933. PLATE Fig. 1. Necera bicarinata, p. 939. 2. teres, p. 939. 3. depressa, p. 940. 4. contractu, p. 941. 5. semistriyosa, p. 941. 6. circinata, p. 942. LXX. Fig. 7. Pholadomya loveni, p. 934. 8. Poromya neceroides, p. 936. 9. Neara truncata, p. 936. 10. sulcifera, p. 937. 11. gracilis, p. 938. Fig. 7. Necera ruginosa, p. 942. 8. inflata, p. 942. 9. angularis, p. 943. 10. curta, p. 943. U . striata, p. 944. LXXI. |