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Show 318 LORD WALSINGHAM ON [Feb. 15, dull purplish fuscous rather than yellowish brown; the palpi are much mottled and faintly annulated with purplish fuscous. Other specimens, taken in Northern Oregon in 1872, have the pale head, thorax, and basal patch much obscured by the purplish fuscous hue of the fore wings, and the pale discal spot obsolete; but these have probably lost some of their brilliancy during hibernation. In all these the two blackish spots before the middle and the blackish speckling beyond it are clearly distinguishable. On the whole it is doubtful whether the species should or should not be regarded as distinct from its European representative. I have no doubt that the eastern and western American examples are mere local forms of the same insect, although the ground-colour of the fore wings of the specimen from the east accords much more nearly with that of the true Depressaria parilella. If an investigation of its habits should lead to the conclusion that the American form is a distinct species, I would propose for it the name Depressaria novi-mundi. DEPRESSARIA EMERITELLA (Stn.). I bred four specimens of this rather rare European Depressaria from larvae found feeding on leaves of what may have been a species of Tanacetum, in May 1872, on Rouge river, in Southern Oregon. I cannot find that I have preserved any specimen of the food-plant; but in my notes it is recorded as an Artemisia. The specimens agree to the most, minute particular with Mr. Stainton's description of this species.: . . .• DEPRESSARIA UMBRATICOSTELLA, sp. nov. (Plate XXXVI. fig. 8.) Capite et palpis sordide ochraceis ; antennis fuscis ; thorace alis anticis sordide ochreis, macula basali, punctulis duobus disci, punctis costalibus et marginalibus diffusis nebula costa? media? nigro-fuscis, margine apicali late adumbrato, ciliis fuscescentibus ; posticis griseo-sericeis. Head and palpi dull ochreous, the latter dusted with fuscous; antennae fuscous. Thorax blackish fuscous. Fore wings dull ochreous, slightly paler than the head, with a short, blackish fuscous basal patch, wider on the dorsal than on the costal margin ; several minute, diffused, blackish fuscous spots along the costal and apical margins ; a conspicuous outwardly diffused blackish fuscous shade on the middle of the costa, preceded by two minute discal dots of the same colour, of which the upper one is nearer to the base than the lower, and a more or less conspicuous wide subfuscous shade around the apical margin, reaching from the costal patch to the middle of the dorsal margin. Cilia subfuscous. Hind wings rather shining greyish. Expanse 16-19 millim. Taken on Mount Shasta, California, in August 1871, and in Northern Oregon in April 1872, where it was not uncommon. It |