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Show 606 MR. A. G. B U T L E R ON LEPIDOPTERA F R O M [May 3, belong to the large type taken in September; the two others very like L. contractu, are altogether bluer above than L. cnejus, and have the discal row of white-zoned black spots on the primaries below interrupted. 16. CATOCHRYSOPS CONTRACTA? Lampides contracta, Butler, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 406, pi. 39. fig. 3. Two specimens (as L. cnejus). Kurrachee, June 1879. 17. CATOCHRYSOPS ELLA, sp. n. (No. 6). Allied to C. cnejus, but with the coloration of the wings below more like C. pandava. Wings above lilac, greenish at the base, the male with a broad dark brown border twice as wide at apex as towards the external angle ; the female with a blackish marginal line and indistinct ocelloid submarginal spots : secondaries with a black marginal line and a submarginal series of six ocelloid spots, less distinct in the male than in the female, the first indistinct in both sexes, the three following brown with white borders, the fifth large, black, with the border white externally and orange internally, anal spot bifid, black with white border; fringe white, tail black tipped with white. Wings below brownish grey, with the spots arranged as in C. cnejus, but broader, less prominent; the submarginal spots relieved internally by a rather broad brown border, beyond which is a diffused discal white streak or band; the black ocelli towards the anal angle vary in intensity, and sometimes are almost wholly lost, as in the male before me. Expanse of wings, cS 10 lines, -$ 1 inch. A pair, rather worn. Kurrachee. <5, December 1879; $, January 1880. There are specimens of this species in Mr. Moore's collection. Major Swinhoe says that it is not common. 18. LAMPIDES ^ELIANUS (NO. 7). Hesperia celianus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 280 (1793). One male. Neilgherries. 19. TARUCUS PLINIUS (NO. 1). Hesperiaplinius, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 284 (1793). Two examples. Kurrachee, May and June, 1879. Also occurs in July, and is common. 20. TARUCUS NARA. Lycana nara, Kollar, Hiigel's Kaschmir, iv. 2, p. 421 (1848). Four specimens. Kurrachee, May and October, 1879. T. nara is said to be common from April to August, and in November. 21. LYCENA FUG1TIVA, 11. Sp. Intermediate in character between L. persica and zephyrus, but nearer to the latter. Wings of the male above bright lilacine blue, |