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Show 168 MESSRS. SCLATER A N D H A R T L A U B O N [Jan. 18, 7. BlIDYTES FLAVUS, Lillll. Budytesjiavus, Heuglin, Orn. N.A. i. p. 320. Three skins of this species or of the Indian form B. viridis. In one skin there are traces of a yellowish stripe over the eye. "Only seen on the mud-flats extending inland a short distance from the head of Ghor Gharrieh."-7. B. B. 8. LANIUS TJNCINATUS, sp. nov. Supra late et pure cinereus; fasciola frontali stricta fasciaque lata a rostro per oculum ducta circumscripte nigris; alarum tectri-cibus nigris; remigibus tertiariis nigris, limbo apicali albo; remige primo spuria toto nigro, reliquis primariis nigris, in parte basali late et oblique albis, scapis nigris,- primarii secundi pogonio externo toto nigro; subalaribus pure albis ; rectricibus 4 inter-mediis nigris, limbo apicali vix conspicuo albo, sequentibus nigris, apicibus latins albis, secunda pro maxima parte et externa tota albis; subtus dilute albido-cinerascens ; gula et subcaudalibus dilutioribus; rostro fortiter hamato et compresso, nigerrimo; pedibus nigris. Long, tota 8*0, ala? 3'9, cauda? 4-0, tarsi 1*2. Fern, obsoletius tincta et potius fusco-nigricans, ubi mas niger. Fig. 1. Head of Lanius uncinatvs. Nine examples of this apparently new Shrike are in the series. It comes nearest to L. fallax, but is remarkable for its much hooked bill. "A very solitary bird. Found on those parts of the island where there are trees. None at the east extremity, nor on the Nogad plain on the south side. Females I had some difficulty in getting. The male perches on the top branches of the trees, and there utters a melancholy note. Norn. vulg. 'Tavifi.'"-7 B. B. 9. ZOSTEROPS HABYSSINICA, Heuglin. Zosterops habyssinica, Heuglin, Orn. N.A. i. p. 413. A pair of this species; obtained the male on the 13th and the female on the 6th of March. |