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Show 440 MR. M. JACOBY O N N E W [Mar. 15, legs, and abdomen fulvous; above dark violaceous, shining, thorax greenish blue, closely punctured ; elytra finely subpunctate-stnate. Length 2| lines. Hab. Ecuador. Head dark blue, opaque, rather deeply depressed between the eyes ; this depression, as well as the clypeus, rugose ; rest of the surface remotely but distinctly punctured. Labrum, palpi, and the antennse fulvous ; last seven joints of the latter distinctly thickened, and extending to half the length of the body. Thorax three times as broad as long, very convex, of a greenish leaden colour, the sides finely margined with metallic green; surface with a few obsolete depressions near the base, very closely and rather finely punctured. Scutellum broader than long, its apex broadly rounded, extremely finely punctured. Elytra very dark violaceous blue, not wider than the thorax, the shoulders rather prominent, more finely punctured than the thorax, the punctures placed in rather regular rows, and distinct to the apex. Underside black, abdomen fulvous. In m y collection. Genus AULEXIS, Baly. 4. A U L E X I S E L O N G A T U S , sp. nov. Elongate ; fulvous, subnitidous, covered with long whitish hairs ; antennse, their three basal joints excepted, and the tibiae and tarsi black; thorax deeply transversely depressed, three-dentate. Length 2f lines. Hab. Java. Head rather closely punctured, more deeply at the lower part, anterior margin of epistome with two teeth. Antennse extending not much further than the commencement of the elytra, the third and fourth joints equal, the rest gradually widened, three lower joints fulvous, the rest black. Thorax finely punctured, with a deep oblique transverse depression across the disk, the sides armed with three acute teeth, the third being rather obsolete. Scutellum elongate, subquadrate. Elytra convex, more than three times as long as the thorax, punctured in the same way, and covered with long silky whitish hairs. Underside fulvous, tibiae and tarsi black. Collection Jacoby. From the three other species described by Mr. Baly the present one is distinguished by its coloration in connexion with its size. In Dr. Chapuis's remarks on this genus, I find the eyes mentioned as being separated by a narrow space only; this is a mistake, as, on the contrary, they are very widely apart. Genus NODA, Chapuis. 5. N O D A UNICOSTATA, sp. nov. Oblong-ovate, moderately convex. Below greenish blue; above metallic aureous, five basel joints of antennse fulvous ; thorax and elytra finely punctured, the latter with a lateral costa posteriorly. Var. Entirely metallic green above. |