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Show 870 MR. II. J. ELWES ON THE BUTTERFLIES Geographical TaBle (continued). [Nov. 15, Species. HESPERID.E (continued). Pyrgus inachus gigas speveri cribellum alveus serratuhe malyse orbifer ? cynarse ? Syricthus maculatus.. Nisomades tages montanus Amurland. ********** if if China. *? * *? * Japan. if * * General. Palsearctic region. do. do. do. do. Patearctic region. PAPILIO M A C H A O N , Linn. S. N. x. p. 462. Var. ASIATICA, Men. Enum. i. p. 70 (1855). P. asiatica, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1881, vii. p. 133. Var. HIPPOCRATES, Feld. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. xiv. p. 314. P. hippocrates, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1881, vii. p. 133. Bureiga (Radde) ; D ssuri (Maack) ; Askold (Jankowsky) ; Japan (Maries); Ningpo, Shanghai (Pryer); Pekin (Bremer); Japau {Maries, Pryer); Hakodadi (Whitely). The forms of P. machaon found in N.E. Asia seem to be similar to the European ones, though usually larger. In Kam-tscbatka, according to Menetries, the variety which he calls asiatica (also found in Japan, the Himalaya, and China) occurs. It differs generally in the broader black band and markings, which, however, vary extremely, and gradually increase until in the var. hippocrates (which 1 have only seen from China and Japau) the yellow is half obliterated by the black markings. After comparing numerous specimens, I am unable to see where a line can be drawn to separate these three forms, which, taken singly, are distinct enough. P, XUTHUS, Linn. S. N. xii. p. 751. Var. xuthulus, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 4, t. i. fig. 2. Bureija (Radde) ; Ussuri (Maack); Askold (Jankowsky); Shanghai (Pryer); Japan (Pryer, Maries) ; Pekin {Bremer) ; Ningpo (Pryer). Very variable in size and in the amount of black on the upper-side, some specimens from Japan having the yellow much filled up in the same way as in P. machaon, var. hippocrates. The small form P. xuthulus is now shown to be only a seasonal form of P. xuthus. The green-tailed Papilios found in China and Japan are very puzzling, and so variable that it is not easy to say where one species |