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Show 274 MR. w. L. DISTANT O N [Feb. 15, pubescence. Antenna? pilose ; first three joints dark brown, which the basal is thickly clothed with yellow pubescence ; fourth joint pale brown, with apical third luteous, and extreme tip and base pitchy; first joint much longer than second, third shortest, first and fourth subequal. Head thickly pubescent at base. Pronotum with a pale central longitudinal pubescent line, on each side of which are two dark fasciae, which, commencing at base, are slightly curved, and extend upwards through two thirds the pronotal length, when they are deflexed and a^ain directed inwardly, both meeting on the central line, at about three-fourths the length from base ; on outer side of these fasciae at base are two others of the same colour, waved and directed inwardly, but little more than half the length of the central. Scutellum with the apex luteous. Corium with a large rounded dark spot on disk. Membrane cupreous ; basal third and transverse waved central fascia dark chocolate-brown. Connexivum pitchy, with four bright luteous spots on each side. Underside and legs somewhat thickly pubescent. Abdomen above red, with the apex pitchy. 3 . Posterior femora very thickly incrassated ; margins of abdomen strongly produced and angulated ; third abdominal segment beneath occupied by a large raised tubercle, rounded behind, the margins of which are strongly granulate. Long. 26-27 millims., lat. 8. 2 . Posterior femora much less strongly incrassated ; margins of abdomen somewhat less produced and angulated ; second and third abdominal segments beneath prominently gibbous. Long. 25-27 millims., lat. 8. Hab. Isubu, Calabar. PETASCELISCA FOLIACEIPES, n. sp. (Plate XXXI. figs. 10, 10 a, b, 3, H $ .) Pitchy-brown, sparingly clothed with fine yellow pubescence. Antennae pilose, first joint longer than second, third shortest, fourth and first subequal. Pronotum with the lateral margins denticulated ; the lateral angles flattened and moderately produced. Abdomen above red; third, fourth, and fifth segments broadly pitchy; connexivum black, with a spot near base of sixth segment obscure luteous. Tibiae strongly dilated ; posterior tibiae strongly sinuated and toothed internally. 3 . Posterior femora thickly incrassated ; second abdominal segment beneath gibbous and provided with a small narrow deeply sinuated tubercle; a small raised triangular tubercle on apex of sixth abdominal segment. Abdomen beneath concolorous. Long. 29 millims., lat. pronot. ang. 11. 2 • Posterior femora much less incrassated ; abdomen beneath unarmed ; disks of sternum and first four segments dull luteous. Long. 29 millims., lat. pronot. ang. 11. Hab. Mongo-ma-Lobah, Calabar district. Closely allied to P. laminipes, Fairm., but differs in the much more dilated and rounded anterior tibiae, in the rounded dilatation of the in- |