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Show 358 MR. F. MOORE ON NEW ASIATIC [Mar. 1, Genus CALL^ENIA, Hiibner. Cucullia (part.) auctorum. CALL^ENIA PULLATA, n. sp. Fore wing grey ; veins black, with a transverse very indistinct black antemedian and a postmedian zigzag line, some slender longitudinal streaks near the outer margin, and a lunular black marginal line; an indistinct orbicular and reniform black-lined mark, the latter extending below end of the cell: hind wing white, with a broad black outer marginal band and a discocellular spot; costal and subcostal veins lined with black ; cilia white. Thorax, head, palpi, and legs above grey; abdomen black, with grey tip; a slender black collar on front of thorax. Expanse 2f inches. Hab. Dalhousie, N . W . Himalaya. In coll. F. Moore. Genus CALOPHASIA, Stephens. C A L O P H A S I A CASHMIRENSIS, n. sp. Fore wing pale whitish ochreous, with a pale yellowish-ochreous median transverse band, bordered on both sides by an indistinct black sinuous double line, and medianly traversed below the cell by a more distinct black lunular fascia; costal border blackish; orbicular and reniform marks blackish, and lined with pale ochreous ; base of wing black-speckled, and longitudinally streaked near posterior margin; some black dentate discal marks, a patch above posterior angle, and a marginal row of white-bordered black points : hind wing dusky white, with a very pale dusky black border, and a distinct black lunular marginal line. Body pale ochreous, palpi and legs black-speckled ; legs with black tarsal bands. Expanse ly1^ inch. Hab. Changas, Cashmir. In coll. Dr. Staudinger. Near to the European C. linaria?, Fabr. CALOPHASIA LOBIFERA, n. sp. Fore wing greenish brown, with a pale pinkish-ochreous fascia extending from base through the cell to the apex, a slender black transverse subbasal irregular line, which is deeply indented outward below the cell and forms a lobate spot, and a discal irregular waved line, both with a brown outer border, the interspace below the cell dusky grey ; veins black, with pale margins and intervening black streak terminating in a white cilial point; some black streaks on costa near base, and white streaks towards the apex ; an indistinct orbicular and reniform brown-lined mark, both centred with brown ; a short oblique, double, basal brown line below the cell : hind wing greyish brown ; cilia white. Body pale ochreous, thorax grey-speckled ; palpi and legs above brown, with ochreous bands. Expanse ly2^ inch. Hab. Bombay. In coll. F. Moore. |