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Show 1881.] OF AMURLAND, NORTH CHINA, AND JAPAN. 915 Raddefskaia by Christoph. It is easily distinguished by two longitudinal bands on the underside of the hind wing. CARTEROCEPHALUS UNICOLOR, Br. & Grey, Schmett. nordl. China, p. 10; Men. Cat. Mus. Petr. t. v. fig. 6. This species, found at Pekin, differs from the last in the pale ochreous colour of the underside of the hind wings, on which the silver bands are absent. I have seen several specimens from Japan which appear to me to agree very well with this species, though there is some indication of the silver stripes. They come nearer to C. unicolor than to C. ornatus. PYRGUS INACHUS, Men. Schrenk's Reise, p. 46, t. iv. fig. 2. Rare in Amurland, whence I have only seen two or three specimens in Dr. Staudinger's collection. Specimens from Japan collected by Jonas agree with it; but two from Shanghai in Pryer's collection differ in the size, shape, and markings. They are not, however, fresh enough to describe. P. GIGAS, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib., Nachtrag, p. 96, t. viii. fig* Of this species, the largest of all the Paleearctic species, I have seen specimens from Askold and Vladivostock. Dr. Staudinger thinks it may possibly be a variety of P. tessellum; but it is much larger and darker, and seems sufficiently distinct. P. SPEYERI, Stdgr. MSS. This species, found at Baranofsky by Dorries, belongs to the group of P. alveus. Dr. Staudinger thinks it may be a variety of it, near P. fritillum, Hb. P. CRIBELLUM, Ev. Bull. Mosc. 1841, p. 25. Specimens in the Hewitson collection from Amurland, and in Dr. Staudinger's collection, vary very slightly from the European form. P. ALVEUS, Hb. t. 401-3. One specimen from Blagovetschensk in Dr. Staudinger's collection is considered by him to be the same as P. alveus. P. SERRATULJ-E, Ramb. Fn. And. t. viii. fig. 9. Found at Bureija by Radde; and one specimen from Amurland is in Dr. Staudinger's collection. P. MALVJE, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. p. 485. Found at Bureija by Radde; and two specimens are in Dr. Staudinger's collection from Schilka. P. ORBIFER, Hb. t. 803-6. Bremer says it was taken at Bureija by Radde; but Dr. Staudinger has seen no specimens from Amurland. 59* |