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Show 1881.] NOCTURNAL L E P I D O P T E R A . 331 PALIMPSESTIS ALTERNATA, n. sp. (Plate XXXVII. fig. 2.) Allied to P. ocularis of Europe. Male. Fore wing pale metallic cupreous-brown, crossed by a broad basal, a median, and two narrow submarginal greenish-grey indistinct bands ; some black basal spots, an ante- and postmedian transverse black sinuous line, and black and white streaks externally along the veins : hind wing and abdomen pale cupreous-brown. Thorax greenish grey ; collar, front of head, palpi, and legs rufous-brown; legs with black bands. Expanse l-fa inch. HaB. Darjiling. In coll. Dr. Staudinger. PALIMPSESTIS CUPRINA, n. sp, (Plate XXXVII. fig. 3.) Male and female. Fore wing pale metallic brown, slightly cupreous anteriorly, and the area below the cell greenish ; two or three black transverse antemedian lines angled at median vein ; some basal spots, a black discocellular recurved mark and a spot within the cell; five or six transverse discal indistinct sinuous lines with black and white dentate marks on the veins ; a submarginal pale lunular line and a marginal black line : hind wing pale cupreous-white, with pale cupreous-brown marginal band. Thorax, head, and palpi brown ; abdomen paler; collar black; fore and middle legs with black bands. Expanse 1T 3 0 inch. HaB. Darjiling. In coll. Dr. Staudinger. Fam. BRYOPHILIDJE. Genus B R Y O P H I L A. B R Y O P H I L A LITERATA, n. sp. Fore wing greyish white, with a transverse basal black band, a broad median olivaceous-black band bordered inwardly by a black sinuous line, and outwardly by a duplex lunular line, which is convex beyond the cell; a less distinct submarginal zigzag line, with a black costal patch extending between it and the discal line; a marginal black lunular line with the points ending in a cilial black spot; orbicular and reniform marks each defined by a black line, with inner white border and blackish centre, and forming imperfectly the letters C R, the interspace between the reniform and the outer sinuous duplex line of the same colour as the discal area: hind wing cinereous, with a pale cinereous-brown outer band, less distinct median fascia and discocellular streak ; cilia white, spotted with brown. Tegulse and dorsal tufts fringed with black ; palpi and fore tibiae with brown hands. Expanse 1§ inch. HaB. Cashmere. In coll. F. Moore. Allied to B. glandifera. Differs in having a black subbasal band, the inner black sinuous line of the median band continued to the posterior margin, a less black submarginal irregular fasciated line, and in the marginal black lunular line having the points directed to the cilial spots. |