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Show 36 ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS M A D E DURING [Jan. 4, Couthouy appears to be another closely allied species; but instance there are differences in detail of sculpture which may separate the three forms. DORIS, sp. Hab. Port Bermejo, at the southern end of Madre Island, W . coast of Patagonia. A single specimen was obtained by Dr. Coppinger. It closely resembles the British D. tuberculata, a species already recorded from Kerguelen's Land. b. Terrestrial. H E L I X ( P A T U L A ) C O P P I N G E R I , sp. n. (Plate IV. figs. 14, 14«.) Shell minute, discoid, umbilicated, pale luteous. Spire scarcely raised above the last whorl. Suture deep. Whorls 3|, slowly enlarging, ornamented with most delicate slender and close-set cos-tellee or raised lines of growth, and with very numerous fine spiral elevated lines between the costellse, visible only under the microscope. Umbilicus moderately small, equalling about £ of the basal diameter. Aperture lunate; lip simple. Greatest diam. If millim., height 1. Hab. T o m Bay, found on a rotten tree. This minute species is remarkable for the fine riblets and the beautiful spiral sculpture, the latter being vastly finer than the former. HELIX (PATULA) MAGELLANICA, sp. n. (Plate IV. figs. 15-15 b.) This species resembles the preceding in general aspect. The colour is the same ; but the whorls increase more rapidly, and are only 2| in number. The longitudinal riblets are excessively slender, and both finer and more numerous than in H. coppingeri. This species also is without spiral sculpture. Umbilicus rather more open, and the body-whorl beneath narrower than in that species; but above it is broader. Suture the same. Aperture a trifle larger. Diam. If millim., height 1. Hab. With the preceding. H. lyrata, Couthouy, from Tierra del Fuego, apparently belongs to the same group, and is closely related. HELIX (ZONITES ?) ORDINARIA, sp. n. (Plate IV. figs. 16, 16 A.) Shell small, umbilicated, thin, glossy, discoid, transparent. Whorls 3|, convex, margined at the suture, rather slowly enlarging, faintly striated by the lines of growth. The marginatum of the whorls forms a distinct channel at the suture. Spire depressed, scarcely raised above the last whorl, which is rounded at the periphery. U m bilicus rather open, exhibiting two of the upper volutions. Aperture large, lunate. Peristome thin, simple, a little reflexed at the umbilicus. Greatest diam. 3 millims., height l£. Hab. T o m Bay, attached to the frond of a fern. |