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Show 256 LIEUT.-COL. H. H. GODWIN-AUSTEN ON [Feb. 1, longitudinal ribs on the periphery, with a fine intermediate one, two above near the suture, crossed by strong lateral close ribbing or lines of growth ; similiar longitudinal sulcation on the base, smooth on the apex ; colour white, ruddy within the aperture ; spire pyramidal, sides flat; suture shallow ; whorls 5g, convex, the last slightly descending near the aperture ; this is circular and oblique ; peristome rather thin. Operculum subtestaceous, paucispiral, rapidly increasing, nucleus subcentral (fig. 3b). Size:- Major diam. 10-0, minor diam. 9-2, alt. axis 6 4, total alt. 9'0 millims. „ 0-39, „ „ 0-36, „ 0-25, „ „ 024, inch. [" From stems of Draceena cinnabari, Balf. fil on limestone, at an altitude of over 2000 ft." (B. B.)] Fifteen specimens were found. Two specimens are somewhat larger, and, being older, have flatter sides to the spire, and a blunter apex. They measure respectively :- 1. Major diam. 120, minor diam. 10*8. 0-47, „ „ 0-43. 2. „ „ 11*0, „ „ 9-5, alt. axis 6*0 millims. TROPIDOPHORA BALFOURI, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 4.) Shell elongately pyramidal, umbilicated, keeled, solid; first two apical whorls smooth, rest of shell ribbed spirally and on the base; seven ribs on each whorl, crossed by well-developed transverse ribbing ; colour marbly white, ruddy brown or orange within ; spire pyramidal acuminate, sides flat; suture shallow; whorls 6, sides convex, the last descending very slightly near the peristome; aperture broadly ovate ; peristome rather thin, continuous. Size :- Major diam. 7'5, minor diam. 7'0, alt. axis 6"3, total height 8*7 millims. [" O n the limestone ridge to the S.W. of Gollonsir valley, only on the top of the ridge and facing the south." (I. B. B.)] LITHIDION MARMOROSUM, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 6.) Shell discoid, very solid, widely and openly umbilicated, sharply keeled ; sculpture, strongly ribbed longitudinally with 5 sulcations below and 4 above the peripheral sulcation, crossed by very fine lateral regular striation; colour marbly white; spire flatly depressed, apex papillate, polished; suture shallow; whorls 5, eccentrically wound at the apex, the axis there not being perpendicular to the planes of the last whorl (figs. 6 b and 6 c) ; aperture circular, oblique ; peristome reflected, strongly developed on the columellar margin. Operculum shelly, concentric, of 3 whorls ; the margin reflected, forming a raised spiral rib. Size. Major diam. 10*7, minor diam. 9'2, alt. axis. 3 2 millims. Animal pale ash-grey ; tentacles black; foot divided longitudinally; proboscis long, bilobed. |