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Show 1881.] MR. SCLATER ON BIRDS FROM BRITISH GUIANA. 213 me to say that the supposed Guianan V. chloroejaster {cf. Salvin, I. s. c.) is inseparable from V. leucotis, and that this species therefore ranges from Cayenne and the Rio Negro to the Huallaga. Mr. im Thurn's specimen is inseparable from skins obtained by Mr. Buckley at Sarayacu, Ecuador. 2. CYANICTERUS VENUSTUS, Bp. Orthogonys cyanicterus, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 122. Cyanicterus venustus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 240 (1850). Callithraupis cyanictera, Berl. orn. Centralbl. 1879, p. 63. A single female example of this Tanager, obtained on the Maza-runi river by the same collector. Mr. im Thurn gives m e the following note on this species:-" Two examples of this bird were brought to me at the same time by Pauli; but one of them, which was evidently a male, was afterwards completely destroyed by ants. When giving them to me, Pauli, who has collected diligently in Guiana for upwards of forty years, told me that he had only once before met with one of these birds, and that was on the same river." 3. ORCHESTICUS ATER. Orchesticus ater, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 67. Tanagra olivina, Scl. P.Z.S. 1864, p. 607, et 1873, p. 186, pi. xxi. (jun.). Graf von Berlepsch has convinced me of the fact, which I could at first hardly believe, that m y Tanagra olivina (ex Natt. MS.) is merely the young bird of Orchesticus ater. A skin obtained by Mr. im Thurn on the Corentyn river in November 1879 well serves to confirm this excellent identification. The general plumage is green, as in Tanagra olivina, so-called ; but the black colour is beginning to show on the lores, throat, and upper wing-coverts. 4. AGEL^EUS IMTHURNI, sp. nov. Thilius major, Bp. Compt. Rend, xxxvii. p. 833 (1853) ? Nigerrimus unicolor, fasciculo plumarum axillari flavo ; rostro et pedibus nigris: long, tota 10*4, ala? 5'0, cauda? rotundatai rectr. med. 4'8, ext. 38, rostri 1*2, tarsi T2. Hab. Guiana Brit. int. {im Thurn). Mr. im Thurn's series contains a single example of this fine and well-marked Icterine bird, which is quite new to me. It was obtained by Mr. im Thurn himself at the Kaieteur Waterfall on the Potaro river in November 1878. Though the generic divisions of the Icteridse are a little puzzling, I am disposed to place this along with the true Agela?i, as arranged in the ' Nomenclator,' next to A. thilius, of Chili, from which it may be at once distinguished by its much larger size, by the yellow colour being confined to the tuft of axillary plumes, and by both upper and under wing-coverts being black. |