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Show 1881.] NOCTURNAL L E P I D O P T E R A . 343 vein extending two thirds the margin ; first subcostal branch emitted at two thirds and second at one fourth before end of the cell, third branch one third, and fourth at one half from below second, fifth curving from end of the cell and free from the third; upper radial from end of the cell, discocellular obliquely concave, lower radial from near its middle; cell long, very narrow at the base; upper median branch from angle above end of the cell, middle branch from the end, lower at one fourth before the end; submedian curved downward near the base. Hind wing very broad, triangular; costa convex near the base, apex convex; exterior margin very oblique, waved; abdominal margin long; costal vein slightly arched near the base, extending to apex; two subcostal branches from end of the cell; discocellular slender, concave ; radial very slender, emitted from below middle of discocellular; cell short, broad; two upper median branches from end of the cell, lower at one fourth before the end; submedian and internal vein straight, the latter extending to anal angle. Thorax robust; abdomen long, somewhat slender, and extending beyond the wing; palpi ascending, slender, second joint squamose, reaching to vertex, third joint half its length, cylindrical ; femora pilose beneath, tibiae tufted above; antennae setose. Near to Dipterygia. The American genus Magusa (Walker, Catal. Lep. Het. B. M . xi. p. 762) is a very closely allied form. SASUNAGA TENEBROSA. Hadena tenebrosa, Moore, P, Z. S. 1867, p. 59. Fore wing dark brown, with short ochreous-bordered blackish costal streaks, lengthened longitudinal upper discal and less distinct lower discal streaks, and oblique streaks below the cell, the latter bordered by an ascending lower discal, curved, duplex sinuous pale-pointed black line, and a submarginal less distinct pale-pointed sinuous line, the ochreous borders palest before the apex; orbicular spot small, ochreous, with black border, reniform spot less distinct: hind wing glossy cupreous-brown, palest at the base; cilia cinnamon-brown. Thorax dark brown, black-speckled ; abdomen pale brown, tuft ochreous; palpi and legs ochreous, brown-speckled ; tarsi with blackish bands. Expanse, 3 If, $ If inch. Hab. Darjiling. In coll. F. Moore and Dr. Staudinger. Remark. Some specimens of this insect are pale ochreous-brown, with less distinct darker brown and black streaks, and also show a darker subapical costal patch. Genus NEURIA, Guenee. N E U R I A SIMULATA, n. sp. (Plate XXXVIII. fig. 1.) Female. Allied to N. separata; differs in its larger size and paler colour, the fore wing having less distinct transverse sinuous markings, orbicular and reniform spots, and a shorter and broader dentate mark below the cell. Expanse 2 inches. Hab. Darjiling. In coll. Dr. Staudinger. |