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Show 624 MR. W. N. PARKER ON THE CECUM IN [May 3, of black irrorations : secondaries silvery white with pearly body snow-white. Wings below sordid white with faint golden reflections ; body white. Expanse of wings 10 lines. One specimen. Kurrachee, July 1880. 104. ERIOCOTTIS FUSCANELLA? Eriocottis fuscanella, Zeller, Isis, p. 813 (1847). Two worn specimens. Kurrachee, May 1880. The types and all the better examples in this series of Lepidoptera are incorporated with the national collection. 8. Note on some Points in the Anatomy of the Caecum in the Rabbit [Lepus cuniculus) and Hare {Lepus timidus). By W . N. P A R K E R , Assistant in the Biological Laboratory of the Royal School of Mines. [Received March 15, 1881.] (Plate LIU.) Some few months ago Prof. Huxley called my attention to the fact that Krause's description of the relations of the ileum and sac-culus rotundus to the caecum in the Rabbit (Anatomie des Kanin-chens, pp. 156, 157) was incorrect, and proposed that I should look the matter up. I. therefore examined the structure of these parts again, not only in the Rabbit, but also in the Hare, and in doing so noted the following resemblances and differences. In both the caecum, as is usual in grass-eating mammals which have a comparatively simple stomach, is of a relatively enormous size, being on an average, when straightened out, about 1 foot 8 inches long in a moderate-sized Rabbit, and rather more in the Hare. This measurement includes the appendix vermiformis, which varies from about 3\ to 4| inches in length. The ileum appears externally, in both species, to pass directly into the sacculus rotundus, at right angles to the long axis of the caecum. The sacculus has an ovoidal shape, its long axis being transverse to the long axis of the caecum in the Rabbit (fig. iv.), but longitudinal in the Hare (fig. n.) In both also the caecum passes insensibly into the colon, which runs straight from it for about 2 or 2\ inches, and then makes a sudden bend in the opposite direction, taking on the characteristic form, with the sacculations and the three ta?nia? coli. Daubenton (Histoire Naturelle, tome sixieme) describes the sacculus as a pocket near the junction of the ileum with the colon, and gives figures (pis. xl., xii. pp. 273, 274), of the Hare's caecum both entire and cut open, the latter showing the two distinct apertures of the sacculus and ileum into the colon (fig. i. s.c, i.c); but he gives no details on this point in the Rabbit (p. 321). Krause describes these |