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Show ISSl.J COLEOPTERA OF SOCOTRA. 475 postice parum angustato, lateribus post medium fere rectis; elytris sulcatis, fere leevibus. Long. 7\ lin. This species is very close to the preceding, hut is at once distinguished by the thorax being rather narrower, more convex in front, rather more narrowed behind, and the sides, instead of being regu* larly arcuate, are somewhat rectilinear behind the middle. The antennse are rather longer. The head is more delicately punctured; and there are no longitudinal impressed lines on the forehead. The thorax is almost entirely smooth, a few excessively fine punctures being visible near the posterior angles. The punctures on the posterior tibiae are finer, and distinctly separated from each other. This species so closely resembles S. balfouri in all its general characters and appearance, that it occurred to me that the differences might, perhaps, be sexual; this, however, I have, by dissection, proved not to be the case. 8. EUSYNTELIA GLABRA, n. sp. (Plate XLIII. fig. 6.) Nigra, nitida, convexiuscula; capite crebre evidenter punctulato, thorace creberrime suBtiliter punctulato ; elytris striis oBtusis perparum impressis, interstitiis parum convex is, fere la?viBus. Long. 5| lio. Elongate-ovate, moderately convex, glabrous. Antennae moderately short, shining, not very thickly but very finely punctured. Head moderately thickly and very distinctly punctured ; the ocular ridge moderately strong; the projection in the middle of the margin of the clypeus rather small and acute. Thorax nearly twice as broad as the head, about one fifth broader than long, a very little more narrowed in front than behind, gently convex ; finely margined all round (except, perhaps, in the middle of the anterior margin); very finely and rather closely punctured and evenly so all over; the anterior angles moderately prominent; the sides moderately and perfectly evenly arcuate; the posterior angles are rather greater than right angles (about 120°) ; the base is broadly and gently lobed in the middle. Elytra about one quarter longer than the head and thorax together, rather convex, a little flatter on the hack; at the base a very little broader than the base of the thorax, gradually and evenly enlarged to the middle (where their width is equal to the length of the head and thorax together), then narrowed again to the apex, which is very slightly produced; each elytron has four or five rather obscure impressed channels (obsolete at the base); the second, third, and fourth interstices are very gently convex; the punctuation, although not sparse, is very fine and obscure, and in parts scarcely visible. 9. ADELOSTOMA BICARINATUM, n. sp. (Plate XLIII. fig. 3.) SuBparallelum, depressum, yriseo-nigrum, opacum, rugosum; thorace dorso carinis duaBus distantiBus; elytris singulis costis triBus, carina secunda Basi apiceque abBreviata. Long. 2\ lin. 31* |